
Is there really Tasmanian devils in Tasmania?

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Wow thanks everybody this is going to be hard




  1. The Cosmos Magazine link is the one.  Go with it.


    Yes there is. And they are actually endagered

  3. Yes there are.  Unfortunately there is a facial tumour virus sweeping through the population (which is easily passed on when they fight each other).  More than half their numbers are infected and will die soon.  There is a mad scramble here at the moment to isolate the disease free ones.  There is a lot of research going into trying to find a vaccine or cure also.

    The Tasmanian tiger is extinct (last known live speciment died in a zoo in the 1930's).

  4. Yes, I have actually seen them on T.V's Animal channel.. They look like a large Guinea Pig

  5. yes, they are a kind of it

  6. a tasmanian devil is a creature that can be found in the australian state of tasmania... not a boogey man or an actual devil!

    it is a carnivorous animal but is very cute to look at :)

  7. tasmanian devils are extinct

  8. No they are extinct now.

  9. There is good evidence that a population of Tasmanian devils still exists

  10. Yes.

  11. yeah

  12. Yes there are. And no, they are not extinct.

  13. of course there are,they are not a fantasy

    a little bit of info,they are officially smellier than a skunk in fact they are the smelliest critter in the world

  14. Yep. That's right.

    They are said to be extinct for a while but correct me if I'm wrong: there is evidence around to say they still exist.

  15. yeah this is what they look like:

  16. Absolutely!

  17. Yes there is. But they will soon be extinct because there is some disease that is spreading like crazy and it kills them really quickly.

    so there arn't many left now

    but there definetly are some.

  18. I don't think so

  19. yes, they look like a weird cat.

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