
Is there really a TRUTH SERUM?

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I have heard of truth serum but what exactly does it do and does it really really work? Have you ever tried this? Wherer can you get this? Is it like a drug? Is is bad for someone to take that is not supposed to take drugs? Like if the person has to take random UA's? Thanks




  1. It's commonly called "Vodka".

  2. i think its called sodium pentathol. i think it lowers your inhibitions the same way alcohol does. someone correct me if i am wrong please, i would like to know for sure also.

  3. yes, there is a truth serum. wife said that it makes you think before you talk. no, doctors are the only people that gives this out.

      but I'm pretty sure the government uses it for info that spy's might have about us.  i dint think the regular people can get this drug. ill call my drugest & find out though.  & the answer is no. ;-(  i know of some time i would not mind using it on a cheating wife & other.

      ive heard thats its not good to ues due to it kills brain calls faster & cause the user to be drowsey & things like that. (very bad side effects)

  4. Alcohol is commonly used as a truth serum in interrogation situations, partially because it lowers inhibitions and partly because of the placebo effect created when giving a "truth serum" to the person being interrogated

    Neurologists are also currently working on observing people's brains while interrogating them, so if you have an mri machine handy some radioactive glucose should do the trick

    also commonly used substances are ethanol, scopolamine, temazepam, and various barbiturates including the anesthetic induction agent sodium thiopental (more commonly known as sodium pentathol): all sedatives that interfere particularly with judgment and higher cognitive function

  5. It is used by the secret services. There are better ways of finding the truth. Use of body language, intelligient questioning, read Derren Brown's Books, he teaches you how to tell if someone is lying, also consider NLP whereby eye movement is used to find if someone is or is not telling the truth.

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