
Is there really a curve in 2008 Integrated Algebra Regents?

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ive heard some people say they they are curving the integrated algebra regents...i wanna know if this is true becuase im not too confident with what i did and i calculated my score and i think i just barely passed. Any one know?




  1. yea there is. go on to see the conversion chart.

  2. I am hoping cause i did sooo sooo bad of course there is a chart there has been on on every test the regents have had expect for the earlier ones, The chart is not on jmap yet they say not till thurs

  3. there probably is. my math teacher said that it depends on how badly the rest of the state did and how some really good schools did. She said if a lot of people got like 50s and our school couldnt even get a perfect score than there will be. she said if maybe you got an 84/87, they might raise it from a 97 to a 99

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