
Is there really a fine line between reality and fiction?

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If so what is it ?

Is it abstract?




  1. I think there's a fine line only in our minds.  But outside of ourselves, there is no fiction, since we're the ones who imagine it up.  Reality has no fiction - it's all just solid reality.  

    We just have the tendency to make the two blur in our minds, since our perceptions are flawed.  The definition of fiction is something that isn't real, so if it isn't real, it cannot happen in reality.

    Though reality is often far stranger than any fiction we come up with and confuse it with.

  2. Of course there is a difference between what is real and what is not. Often times our minds have difficulty distinguishing the two and we may be lead to believe something what we initially find to be true, but ultimately find ourselves to be wrong. Little kids truly believe there is a Santa Clause, but they find out eventually around age 12 that there is no such thing and the reality for them changes.

    By the laws of logic and physics there is a reasoning that tells the difference  between fact and fiction, but it is not like there is a steel bar in your mind the separates reality from myth, that part is abstract.

  3. The width of the line would indeed be different from person to person.

    Reality and fiction at times have interlocked with one another as things thought to have been fiction has turned out to be reality. Case in point space travel was thought up many years before man could even fly in planes. 200 years ago if you would have told someone today people would be working on a computer they would have told you to get your head out of the clouds.

    Yes it has to be somewhat abstract to allow fiction ideas to become reality.

  4. Fiction has to be credible.

  5. Depends on the person's state of mind or what his or her reality is to them. For am example, if you were a mentally ill person then what would seem to use as fiction would seem to them as reality!

  6. I dont know about a fine line, but there is a line. If people choose to ignore it, is up to them.

    Think of a library. You got the fiction and the non-fiction.

    Now there might be something on the return cart that you are not sure about, but for the most part you can pick the book up and tell what it is. Once in awhile one pops up that you cant tell.

    However, for the most part, the line is pretty clear.

  7. Let's say you tell me you ate an apple...reality

    you tell me you ate a green apple..........reality

    you ate a green apple with a worm in it..fiction?

    maybe you really did eat a worm, but I'm nor willing to believe it, I think it's fiction

    or you just made it up, to see my reaction, it's still fiction. Fction is usually false, but there still can be some truth to it.

  8. In away.

    There is Realiety, Fiction and Theroy.

    They could be discribed like a venn diagram. They overlap in many places.

  9. uh, I don't know.


    Yes I do.

  10. No,there's a big bold line.Most of us can see it and keep the sides separate.The line is invisible to the silly folk among us.

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