
Is there really a need to undergo a drug and urine test to secure a Philippine driver's license?

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Drug and urine tests can be manipulated, and those drug testing offices that do the testing can also be paid off. Is this really a practical and wise solution to curb accidents on the road? As many have said over the years, drug testing at the LTO is a "cash cow" of government. Useless and waste of tax payers money.

The increase in road accidents is caused primarily by DRUNK DRIVERS. If you visit any major PNP office in Metro-Manila you will find that most road accidents involved drug drivers. What is the (PNP) doing about it? Nothing! You don't get arrested for drunk driving in the Philippines. Just pay a fine and go home.

There is no law against drunk drivers (DWI) or DUI in this country.

The other cause of accidents? Poorly lit streets and those zebra striped concrete barriers. Shouldn't they be yellow and black instead, and loaded with reflectors you can see a mile away? Good grief MMDA.

Is drug and urine testing necessary? Heck, NO! Corruption reigns at the LTO!




  1. Sounds like you have answered your own question.  I guess sometimes it is important for governments to have policies in place that contradict reality, simply for the purpose of being able to say that they have that policy.

    Sounds pretty good if you don't have any idea that it is just a mock policy that is there for the uninformed.  Probably helps them get US aid of some sort or another too.

  2. Corruption in any capacity or in any way in which cash, goods or services are provided is wrong and most people will agree with you. Except anyone on the receiving end. I have some very recent memories of near miss on the roads around Manila .. not too sure if it was drink, drugs or just seriously bad driving. Frankly speaking driving is not too much of an art more common sense and if the standard of driving remains as it is then a drink may make it look better to me!

    The Police definitely need to get working on this subject of bad driving (whatever the cause).

    In most countries you can see that Concrete barriers are used but (yes you are right) they do have colours which 'stand out' and often reflective markings and signs are many.

    The problem however is less about corruption more about 'no one cares'. One day someone will realise that traffic accidents cost the tax payer money over and over again. Prevention is almost a 'one off' cost.

    One of the greatest inventions for road safety was an item called a 'Cats Eye'. Invented in England it made the inventor a multi millionaire (GBP).  Low costs for these now as they make so many its unbelievable ... take a look at the link below

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