
Is there really a question without an answer?

by  |  earlier

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Something like, "What would happen when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?"




  1. There is no question with an answer, for example can you solve ;

    q = a

    without knowing q or a, its just that simple! Theres nothing to answer if there is no question!

  2. Sure there is.

    The following query falls more under philosophy than anything else, however...

    The question is a basic one that has been used very effectively to short-circuit robots for years:

    "How come?"

  3. Maybe

  4. Yes, I see hundreds of questions without a possible answer.

    My favorites are:

    "Can i chew a sunbeam?"

    "When the titanic?"

    "How do i water bend?"

    "Make tower?"


  5. i dont think theeres an answer

    that question wud b the same as "What happens wen the spear that can peirce threw anything goes against an unbreakable shield that cant be penetrated"

    theres no answer, theres only guessses

    other questions without a real answer is

    wats the last number of pi?

    Also an answer to that question the iresistible force cud b  and emotion, emotions r irresitible ( to humans at least), and and immovable object cud be a rock. if the rock was to meet with an emotion, well nothing wud really happen beacusse a rock cannot feel.

  6. I don't know.  Everything has a beginning and an end.  Life begins and it ends in death for all living things.  My question is what is beyond space?  Where does it begin and end?  Is space like a ball and we are a ball (the earth) inside of it?

  7. There is an answer to that question...

    Nothing. An irresistible force and an immovable object are mutually exclusive; they cannot coexist.

    This is called the irresistible force paradox:

    Also, yes I believe there are questions that cannot be answered. I see answers as definitive, proven truths. Many questions exist which have different theories and philosophies, but no real "answers"— no truths.

    Such a question is: why do humans fall in love?

    No one will really know for sure. People might have an *idea*, but will be unable to prove it definitively.

    A RESPONSE to a question doesn't count as an answer. Therefore, "i don't know" or some other trivial response isn't an answer.

  8. F=m*a


    so a=infinity / infinity

    You cannot define this. It can be everything.

    Every question has an answer. And the answer of the question would probably be ''Everything.''.

  9. Here's a cute animation on your question:

    There are many questions without answers, many of which I've seen here, usually because the questions are logically inconsistent. These are questions like "what caused the Big Bang?" or "what lies outside the universe?"; these are logically inconsistent since spacetime is a property of the universe, and asking what's before time or outside space are really asking about time where there is no time and space where there is no space.

  10. i can answer it if you name an irresistable force.

    after that, name an immovable object.

    the problem with this paradox is that neither of these 2 things even exist!  as soon as someone can answer this question, please draw me a circle with corners and a four sided triangle!

  11. Every question has an answer. And the answer of the question would probably be ''Nothing.''.

  12. that is still a question even without an answer. a question and an answer are two different things. however there can't be an answer without a question can there?

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