
Is there really a "good" and "evil"?

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Or is it just that people had escaladed the idea of what is "just" and "unjust"?




  1. Good and evil are perceptions that sentient creatures are capable of realizing and distinguishing between.  What might be good for one could very well be evil for another, thus in such an example these two cancel out each other and become simply what is.  On an existentialist level, the two perceptions are dependent upon each other for there own existence.  In other words, without evil there can be no good.

  2. There is no such thing as good and evil. There are only points of view. Who is to say what's good or evil. Everyone interprets them differently. Whats good to some people are horrible to others. For example abortion. Some people believe its the right thing to do if you cant take care of the baby but other people believe the baby deserves the right to have a chance at life. It's up to each and every person to decide whats right for themselves.

  3. I am not a Christian. But according to the Gospel of Mary Magdalane, Jesus had this to say--and I agree, which is why I'm quoting it:

    "Peter said to him, "Since you have explained everything to us, tell us this also: What is the sin of the world?" , The Savior said, " There is no sin, but it is you who make sin when you do the things that are like the nature of adultery, which is called 'sin.' "

    To say that good and evil "exist" in any way but this is to say they "exist" as reified "things." (Reified means made materially real, like a "ghost" is the reification of somone's spirit.)

  4. no. because any act of "good" or "evil" directly contradicts the basis of its definition from another point of view. its that simple

  5. Yah open your eyes

  6. I don't think so. These are such subjective terms as to be useless. Greed and selfishness are the oldest motivating factors known to man. These ideas are manipulated by those in power to consolidate wealth and induce beliefs.  

  7. No differecen

  8. It is like being drunk in a drunken company...everyone perseived of being sober including a perceiver. Same happens of being among believers who created atmosphere of just/unjust, good/evil and so on. In fact first believers created that atmosphere then atmosphere begun to create believers..Creation taking over creators.. In order to be sure that good and evil does not exist, indeed, you must leave "drunken" company and place yourself above duality on a certain distanse...Most difficult task to intellect to resolve...Interesting enough that resolving that task intellect would be transformed into something else with absolutely different functions...

  9. nope, the good and evil thing was created to put fear into peoples minds so they could be controlled. i'll say it again, no evil ever existed or ever will, despite those (who let fear run them) who tell you different, i say prove it. i have never ran into something absolutely evil.

  10. Darkness is simply the lack of light, so they are not separate realities.

  11. It depends on who is defining it. Bush and many Americans believe Iraqis fighting to defend their country are evil and terrorists. The "terrorists" think the US is a terrorist state and so on. What the US does is thought by its citizens (some) and officials as good. What others do against US force is deemed evil. I think without a doubt that there is no universal good or bad. These words and their definitions are human constructs that depend on perspective.

  12. There *is* good, and there *is* evil.  But I don't think some things that are viewed as "unjust" say, in the eyes of the law or somethin like that , can be considered evil...  

  13. good question. I believe that when it comes down to it yes, there is a "good" and "evil". But the words are only labels for what you know deep down, and can easily be mislabelled and misplaced.

  14. Yes, there's good and evil and mankind made it.

  15. Lol ... In a similar vein, is there really a life and death, is it simply not just a recurring groundhog day, one generation dies giving birth to another to repeat the same folly and suffer the same constraints of hardship and struggle, love and pain, life never dies, and death is but a rebirth to relive again and again ... is there really life and death, the definition of life and death ... ?

  16. The wisest advice in the world is from both the Hippocratic Oath and the Wiccan Screed...: "First, cause no harm."

    After that, do as you will.

  17. Good and Evil are just titles given by man to things, as you have said, just and unjust.  In life their is no good and evil, only survival.  Good and evil are just words.

  18. "Good" and "evil" are cop-out words. They're facile categorizations of immensely complex ideas about justice, virtue, and fear.  

  19. I do believe that the good and the bad exist. For example, donating money to the poor is a good thing and killing someone is a bad thing.

  20. "Paths of Light and Darkness," Mark Prophet, explains how the "escalation" explanation is less than the whole truth.

    "The Path of Virtue," Jonathan Murro, and

    "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," O. M. Aivanhov, also good and worthwhile.

  21. yes there's a good side and a badside of you

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