I have often heard of this before I had my two children, and most often would blow it off saying that was only a medical term for a child who just needed a good spanking. I still believe this to an extent, that doctors automatically assume this is the problem, when in some cases the problem lies at home and the child has no structured life or dicipline. My views are starting to change somewhat now that my son is 3 1/2. You hear of terrible two's and they were indeed terrible. Then he turns 3. He gets worse. At 3 1/2 he is so exausting to handle, that I often wonder if he is indeed "hyperactive". He acts alot like he is 2 years old in the activity department, and is well above 3 years old in the mental areas. He is on the verge of reading and is not even 4. He is a very bright boy who knows cause and effect, but rarely follows this. I am very strict in dicipling him, so there is no doubt that is not the problem. He is very active and has a hard time following directions.