
Is there really an amulet that can protect a person from jealous and envy of other people?

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I have been a victim of other people's 'crab mentality' which resulted in a very traumatic experiences for me. No matter how hard I tried to protect myself like praying to the Lord for guidance and protection as well as being humble, it seems they are 'magnetized' to me.




  1. Amulets and charms do not work.  Self confidence can help. Disregard for their childish ways is useful too.

  2. You watch too much tv.

  3. You will just take what you deserve, but you can first train ur sould and spirit to become strong by first not fearing things like darkness and stuff, then start loving people and not caring about their wicked acts and take their wicked acts like inferiority complex and try to feel sad for them , not dear them

    then nothing can harm you.

  4. NO there is nothing mystical  that can help you.  That kind of thinking will only harm your soul.

    People are selfish which makes them unhappy,which in turn makes them crabby~ because they don't get their own way.

    You need to learn to not let other peoples temperaments ruin your day.  

    Many times we pray that God would change other people when we should be praying that God teach us not to take everything so personally and to handle things with grace.

    When you face a similar situation next time, Ask God "What do you want me to learn from this?".  You will grow in grace and knowledge.

    I am still learning to do this myself but it is working.

  5. If you get really stinky regularly it will stop. Guaranteed.

    Eat really gassy foods and just let it rip.

  6. No, there isn't.  Don't listen to Vortex Vampire.

  7. ofcourse not or i would have been on line for it too! i recently have had the worst crab experience of my life and it has forced me to re-evaluate the people i allow in my life and to start being more private and less trusting. which in this day and time can only help and stop hurt. Haters only make me stonger!

    Keep your head up and dont let them get to you just shake it off!

  8. Fantastic remedy, works every time...... GROW up.


  9. Many cultures believe in the 'evil eye' and have amulets to protect a person from is an example...

  10. no its all a load of c**p

  11. knot that  i  know of

    i guess it's mind over matter

  12. Material things, or magical phrases, crystal balls, are all products of man looking for an easy out. You may be allowing others to pressure you. Learn to stand up for yourself. The being humble part may explain why you are having this problem. Don't be mean spirited, but do expect to be respected by others They have no more value than you and may actually be more insecure but acting out. be tough.

  13. no

  14. I think that there is

  15. Amulet?ARE YOU CRAZY?!An amulet cant protect you!RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. In iran people belive strongly in that. there is this eye shaped amulet in iran. In persian they call it Nazar Cheshm. they say it absorbs the negative thaoughts and energies of others and protects its owner from them. take a look at this:

  17. Drive a 1996 Chevy Lumina.  

    Problem solved.  Who says magic doesn't work?

  18. If you are looking for an  amulet you are not looking to God and you will find yourself in trouble. You are born into a world of sin and life will always bring some type of tribulation. You need to focus on the bigger picture which is that when God is for you no one can be against you.When you pray to him you must trust in his ability to do for you what you have asked.

    When you trust God you also obey what he asks of you .That is your ticket to overcome.Trust and obey.

  19. You need to ask a pastor to give you advice and pray with you about it. You can also ask a group of intercessors to pray for you.

  20. This will require a very large amulet.

  21. I don't know about an amulet but I've seen many of these cases in real life to know it's true and that they work. I'm a Muslim and when others have encountered things as such our priest will bless a talisman or amulet and you can wear it around your neck. You can even get a string of yarn blessed and wear it around your arm. In some instances you are given blessed water to drink or you are told which verses to recite before going to sleep to get rid of another persons jealousy or envy from affecting you and your well being.  I've been through such an incident and I can say from the bottom of my heart, that it works.

  22. The best protection a person can have for oneself against envious people who take it so far is simply avoiding envious people. Meaning? Don't have them in your life!

  23. Yes, its called Poverty.  If you don't have anything than others can't be envious.

  24. h**l no!!

    it's only fiction!!

  25. hyst put something around youre neck and beleive it can do anything and it will trust me

  26. no amulets, but there are  some verses from  the Holy Quran that can protect u, n I try my self as many other people, n it really works :)

  27. No.

    In fact there are no amulets that you can wear that will protect you against anything, unless you include passports and identity cards which can protect you against arrest.

  28. The sources I consulted referred to your problem as a result of the evil eye. They list some different ways of dealing with it.

    Also on the gypsy advice site and on other pagan type sites they list herbs and things you can do to create protection.

    There was a question not so long ago on here about protection from psychic vampires - people that drain your energy usually without noticing it. For that answer, the most common reply was to picture a bubble around yourself and pray or recite a small phrase. Picture the bad things bouncing off the bubble and only good things coming through. An example of the phrase to recite would be, "All good to me. Away negativity." Nothing fancy. But it can help. Just may need recharging from time to time.

  29. there is something which can protect you,that's right it's called a baseball bat (as it wards off evil beings when you wield it ,,and follow this very carefully you have to chant "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough)

    i'm glad i've been of assisstance

  30. I think I've read of such an amulet in "The Complete Book Of Spells, Ceremonies, & Magic by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler. I have promised never to use witchcraft however, so I don't read those sections of the book anymore. You'll have to check it yourself.

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