
Is there really another world on the Universe ?

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Is there really another world on the Universe ?




  1. Of course, there are so many other world also in the universe.

    UFO are from other world.

  2. Yes, if you mean a world that contains life.

    It would be stupid to think that we are along in the whole universe and there are millions of millions of galaxies and billions of billions of planets. Considering that we are along is stupid.

  3. May be

  4. prabably millions of others

  5. I am assuming that you mean something like the Earth rather than a star.  If this is true, then yes, there is at least several other worlds in the Universe.  You can see at least five or six planets with the naked eye as well as one moon.  Astronomers have found a number of other orbiting our sun as well as inferred the presence of over 300 orbiting other suns.

  6. All the above answers are thinking of only 3 dimensions.

    But if you consider the fourth (time), in the same three dimensional world there can be infinite No. of worlds!

    Also this world as we see and experience today is the sum total of all decisions taken previously. So an infinite No.of worlds can exist where different decisions are taken leading to different futures!

  7. You mean IN the Universe.  By world, I take it you mean an Earth-like planet, with life as we know it.

    Well, let's do the math:

    Billions of stars in our galaxy....and only our sun has an Earth which has has life?  Pretty slim odds, eh?

    And billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars.  And only Earth has life?  Even slimmer odds that we are the only ones.

    Religists will have us believe its only us.  And Jesus walked only HERE, and only the Christians are saved.

    Now what do you think?  You are smart, you have brains.  Use them.

  8. there are sooo many places in the universe!i for one think there are places that have things from the earth long ago that ppl think never existed. trust me....i've seen...but you'll never kno.;)

    p.s how do u think  ppl 'come up with these myths,ledgens,princesses,ect.?????? huh? think about that.......

  9. Yes, actually many planets are whirled but few are chosen for habitation.  Our habitated earth is unique to the point that 1 in a million may be earth-like and habitable.

    Since our 'universe' is defined 'as far as we can see' referring probably to the limits of our radio-telescopes, we really are still powerless to know if there truly are multi-universes.

    The theory, however,  is that  there is another universe beyond ours and yet again beyond that, etc. into infinity.  

    So it is easy to see that the universes outside our own are, in number infinite just so long as we can accept that those infinite universes had developed similarly to ours.and mostly in the same time period of 30 to 40 billion years.

  10. Well, by world if you're referring to planets well there are 10 others(including the dwarf planets-ceres and eris).

    If u mean Universes like ours- THE MILKY WAY...then yes there are innumerable galaxies with heavenly bodies like meteors, stars etc.

  11. absolutely yes, there  r miliions of world like earth.

    Its because there r million and billions of sun and stars in our universe and where there is fovourable condition there will be life

  12. There are billions of galaxies, and each of these galaxies has billions of stars, and we know that most stars have planets around them.  So there are probably countless other worlds.

  13. durrrrr

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