
Is there really any difference between the mainstream media and the Democrats.?

by Guest44550  |  earlier

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Are Republicans now forced to run against both?




  1. Don't you consider Faux News to be part of the mainstream media? They are totally in the tank for the Republican partty. Faux doesn't even pretend to be balanced.

  2. You have too understand that the mainstream media have become the 527's for the democrat party. Conservatives have always had to run against Woodrow Wilson's and FDR party for the last 60-75 years. It has sharpen our skills and what we believe in. The mainstream media has made the Dem's fat and lazy and the Dem's have made the mainstram media fat and lazy. This is why they are going down together.

  3. everything's a conspiracy to you cons

  4. Nothing. Well the Democrat Party is at least honest about their bias

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