
Is there really anything you miss?

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About not being a child anymore? OR if you are a child still anything you hate about it?




  1. I miss the security my parents gave me...I always knew I was loved and never thought or worried about the next day.  I had my daughter later in life and at 14 she is facing the facts of older and sickly parents.  She is a great girl and I wish she had the secure feelings I had as I was a teenager.

  2. i miss not having to work for a living.  

  3. ugh...yeah having to go to work.i dislike it alot lol but it supports my ash. haha

    hugss and muahs to you. hope you are feeling better.

  4. Well..I never really had what I considered a "childhood".  I grew up with a sick mother who was a single parent, so I took on a lot of the "dad" roles in my household at a very young age. So I've always been a pretty level headed, responsible person.  

    Some things I DO miss though..stuff like helping my mom decorate sugar cookies at Christmas, playing kickball in the neighboorhood lot until it got dark outside, not having to work or having the responsibilities of work that I do now (I'm responsible for other people's quality of life..that's pretty stressful), I miss less intense schoolwork and homework.  College kicks my a**.  :\   and I MOST of all miss being able to exhibit my gender as a child and people thinking it was "cute" to be boyish.  As an adult they just think you're a freak.  :\  

  5. my mom and dad ever summer would take me and my brother upstate to lake George.I became an excellent swimmer,and thats where i built most of my we got older my brother and i would wake up at sunrise and get in the boat,we would row it in the bay and feed the ducks or go fishing.we would even jump out and go swimming.that was when I was a teenager, i was allowed to leave the cottage whenever i wanted to.Im 21 now,I still go with my parents...only without my younger brother.he killed himself last year over people bullying him because he was g*y.

    he was only 17. i miss rowing the boat when the sun rises in the summertime with him.

  6. Same with grr. I don't like paying for my own stuff. I have to pay for anything, it's quite annoying, while my younger siblings get whatever they want for free. That used to be me...

  7. I miss only worrying about how long my parents would let me play outside for during the summer.  I miss not having to work.  I miss innocence, no responsibility, pure trust and simplicity.

  8. I miss the idea of childhood. I never really had one, and I think it would have been fun.

  9. I'm 13...i guess thats child to people...

    but i miss like 6 years ago when everything made sense

    nothing needed an explanation

    and it didn't hurt to be alive

  10. I'm only 21. I do sometimes miss some aspects of my carefree teenage years but I'm still living up the present for all it's worth. I get along a LOT better with my parents now that we're not under the same roof, and I have more independence. I HATE paying rent though haha.

  11. work work sucks  

  12. I miss playing 24/7. I was an outside kid, in about everything, Then reality hit and had to grow up. Being an adult sucks, but the rewards are plentiful if you know how to achieve them.  

  13. Childhood was horrid to me. I can remember even as a child wishing I wasn't. So my answer is NO. If I ever say "this makes me feel like a kid" it is not a good thing, something I don't want to feel.

  14. being cute.

    God do I miss being cute!

    And footy jammies.

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