
Is there really free health insurance in other countries? If so, why don’t we have it here?

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Is there really free health insurance in other countries? If so, why don’t we have it here?




  1. There are many different ways to get free or very cheap health insurance in the US.

    If someone has very low income then the US government will give them free health insurance in the form of Medicaid.

    If someone is elderly then the US government will give them free health insurance in the form of Medicare.

    If someone is disabled the the US government will give them free health insurance in the form of Medicaid.

    If someone is a child under the age of 18 then the US government will give them free health insurance in the form of State run Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP).

    Everyone else that can work should be able to get a health insurance plan through their employer or even better purchase a much cheaper health insurance plan on the open market.

    Individual health insurance is about 1/2 of the cost of a group health insurance plan the only catch is that one must be fairly healthy in order to be accepted onto coverage.

    Of course, if people choose to be irresponsible and wait until they are sick and then try to get health insurance it makes about as much sense as someone totaling their car and then trying to purchase collision coverage to pay for the damage.

    For those who are responsible enough to buy coverage ahead of time then there are a lot of affordable individual health insurance options.

    Here is some more information on finding cheap health insurance:

  2. Under your condition,I propose visit here to get some ideas.

  3. Its not free and it is called Socialized Health care, they pay dearly for it with 40% and greater taxation, so imagine in America paying 40% more in taxes each year just to have "free healthcare".  Nothing in life is free.   Not to mention that when someone needs a test like an:  MRI, CT scan ect. or surgery they wait on a list for months.  You think going to the ER now is time consuming try it with everyone there with just a cold and flu-  As a medical provider I would change careers if we had Socialized Healthcare.

  4. The collective political will of the congress and politicians do not want the citizens to have free health insurance.

  5. We also do not have socilized medicine becasue of the big pharmicudical companies and the doctors and hospitals.  This would work against our free market economy which allows for competition among business and have the people decide who or what product they want to use.  If the government provided health care they would limit what Doctors visit would cost and only pay that amout so if a Doctor visit charge was $80.00 they would only pay what they think is fair say $40.00 and the health care industry would not stand for that..  Unfortunatly in our system if the demand for healthcare were to decrease perhaps the healthcare industry would compete for our business to visit them and cut costs and make it affordable for people to use their services.

  6. It's not free, it's paid for in taxes.  And we don't have it here for one reason, George Bush, and the GOP hate America.

    Our current healthcare system is economically and socially destructive, and it is indefensible by any reasonable person.  Americans already pay more per-capita (and as percentage of GDP) for healthcare than people do in any other country, yet the life expectancy and infant mortality rate in America is worse than almost any other fist world country.  

    The fundamental problem with healthcare in America is that demand does not change with cost.  They can charge whatever they want and demand will remain the same, so they charge exurbanite prices.  The people who can afford to pay do, and everyone else is screwed.  Those who can afford to pay are forced to pay unreasonable amounts of money in seemingly random intervals because they or a family member get hurt or sick (unless you have good health insurance from an employer).  The cost of comprehensive employee healthcare significantly reduces corporate profit, creating a strong incentive for corporations not to provide comprehensive healthcare for their employees. Since many people simply don't have the money to pay for medical expenses our society expects them to be responsible for, they are forced to declare bankruptcy if they become seriously ill and banks and credit card companies they borrowed money from are forced to pick up the tab, increasing interest rates and slowing the economy over all. The cost of healthcare is detrimental to individual's health and our economy. It's a lose-lose scenario, and it has to be fixed.  A single payer healthcare system would stabilize costs and make them balanced and predictable, which would improve access to healthcare, therefor improving individual health as well as helping business and taking the burden off banks, therefor improving the economy as well.

    The only reason this situation hasn't been fixed yet is because Bush hates America and he wants to destroy our economy while watching people suffer and die. is full of sh*t.  "Of course, if people choose to be irresponsible and wait until they are sick and then try to get health insurance it makes about as much sense as someone totaling their car and then trying to purchase collision coverage to pay for the damage."  Is a truly disgusting statement.

    Humans are not cars.  Why not kill your daughter because she's sick and you can replace her by one with a lower "maintenance cost"? Or sell your child into slavery for money? According to his or her "a person is a car" logic that would be morally acceptable, because selling and discarding cars for those reasons is morally acceptable; his statement proves he or she is a complete psychopath because they can't tell the difference between a human being and an inanimate object.  According to their logic, a human who is born with a pre-existing condition is nothing more than a totaled car, and should just shoot themselves in the head or donate their functioning organs while they are alive, like we do with totaled cars.  The American government is run by eugenicist/social-darwinist psychopaths who can don't believe their is a moral distinction between killing a person and destroying an object, and that is why we don't have healthcare in this country.

  7. It's not really free.


  8. No it's not free. It's collected by taxing us.

    We don't have it nor do we want it because

    1.) it will bankrupt the nation when we're already in a economic pit

    2.) it will deteriorate the quality of healthcare you receive because doctors will be equally paid and not based on performance/skill

    3.) and finally because it's paid by government (aka taxed) so people will be taking advantage of it by going to the hospital for something silly like a stubbed toe which causes the waiting lists to be weeks and weeks long.

    Socialism does not do well in a nation founded on capitalism.  And even people in nations that currently support national healthcare (ie:e Canada and France) say they hate it.

    Do research. Google Pro's and Con's of socialized healthcare.

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