
Is there really going to be a trucker strike?

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Is there really going to be a trucker strike?




  1. strike against who?  maybe a protest rally...

  2. As a Truck Driver I would have to say NO. Too many can't afford to park their truck for a day or two.

  3. No strike.

    Someone has tried to organize 1 or more strikes every year for the past 30 years and not even 1 has happened.

  4. by shane o.. Member since:

    July 15, 2007

    Total points:

    165 (Level 1) It effects everyone. truck driver or not. company driver as well as owner operaters. if you havent noticed grocerys have went up in the past week almost everything has increased by atleast $1.00..If you are an american. then its time to do something. Our economy is gone down the drain, americans have lost there jobs so the business owners can take them to mexico and make products there and the money is spent in mexico. not america. but the products they make are sold back to americans which simply put( american are spending) but not making income.Currency has to circle around american goin to americans back into americas business. well now you have the circle broken and instead of money being return back to americans, the money is going to other countries.( basicly we as a country are spending money to OUTside countries and not bringing IN any income as a country) because we dont have hardly any manfacturing companies in america anymore, the ones we do have are foreign owned and operated right here in america.We buy all this food and merchandise that comes from and made in china, instead of that income being us making products to sell to the world. we are buying from them to sell to our own people.This has pushed the value of our $1.00 other words ( our dollar isnt worth a dollar anymore its worth below a dollar. the euro is worth more which in turn means we have to pay more money for a barrell of oil to make up for the dis value of our currency..We are in debt over 60 % to CHINA.. china plans to be the worlds biggest asset and supplier of goods...Any of you that remember, USA used to be the worlds best and most supplier and greatly depended on. before long we are gonna be worthless to the rest of the world.the feds have printed $50.billion in paper money to give banks, which in turn is gonna make our currency value sink even further down..We need a american strike, not just truckers..We need to show these rich politicians , conrgressman and president , that we are the ones that make this countrys gears turn. Republican, Democrat, it doesnt matter, the fact is that these people are rich and getting richer while you and i ,the working man gets nowhere and actually do the work to move this country.they do not care about you or me, period. We pay there salaries,and make them rich while they give us what they want us to have.. Our Great USA is becoming a communist country and we are allowing it to happen..Its time for a change..Its an ALL EVERY AMERICAN thing, so dont say it doesnt effect you. It effects everyone from the truck driver,(company or owner operater) grocery store clerk.factory workers that make a measly $8.00 an hour $215.00 a week and spending $65.00 to $70.00 a week in gas or fuel just to be able to go to work, or the familes of you drivers on the road that go to the grocery stores and buy the exact same things they bought last week for a total of $100.00 and this week the total for the exact same things were $145.00..It effects everyone..!!!

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