
Is there really going to be a war?

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Bit scared now,all these questions but also miffed it's taken me 3 years to be able to get the grades to university




  1. No.

  2. We older people might start a war against you young people,as we have had it up to here in litter,crime,violence,disorder,bad grammar,bad dressing,poor music creation.sexual diseases and poor personal hygiene.Are you listening???sit up straight,stop picking your nose,stop fiddling with your genitals,No!! don't pick your zits stop watching junk on TV.LAST CHANCE OR IT'S WAR.Did you buy your grades

  3. No. -Not unless McCain gets Elected as President. Then ALL bets- are off...

  4. It may not be today, tomorrow or 5 years from now but it is inevitable that there will be a World war 3. It's merely a matter of time.  

  5. Show me a period in history when there was no war and I'll say no.  

  6. Don't worry, you'll just vapourise you'll feel nothing.

  7. The Russians are knocking at the door, it is up to the world to answer.

  8. Well, we are due for one. But im not sure whether it will be a conventional war or one fought by the intelligence agencies. I read an informed estimate for China's firepower to be on a par with the US'es it would take till 2050 at the current rate of military expansion. China and Russia are just flexing their muscles, trying to inspire national pride (China especially as it is the upcoming superpower). But remember that both China and Russia's growth relies on trade with the EU and the US. If they try to instigate a major conflict - no more trade. No more growth. High unemployment and a revolt on their own soil. We are really fighting a war at the moment, "The War on Terror" as Dubya calls it. General Petraeus confirms that Al-Qaeda are a spent force in Iraq, but in Afganistan, the fight has intesified. The lawlessness in Pakistan does not help things. The next war and the current war will probably be fought on a small scale with pin-point operations targeting the major players.

  9. Are you in high school now? before you quint the time comes around so don't even think about it.

    UNFORTUNATELY there May be a war before the year is finished my

    dear just because those worrisome STUPID old MEN call leaders, and

    it may start by America & Russia because America is pushing the war

    fire in Russia between Russia & Georgia Just to leave a war for  Senator Barack so you could be correct with your question, altho I hope you are wrong!.  

  10. In the 1960's it was very close but it never happened, I really can't see it now, or for the sake of my little man, I can only pray it doesn't.

    I think this situation will be resolved, but no doubt 100's of people will lose there life's for it

    What a strange race, us humans are

  11. The region is full of oil and if Russia overtakes it oil prices will go down over there and the Diplomatic Countries will pay higher prices. It is all about oil people!

  12. Yes, I think we will have a war. How soon no one knows. I don't think we want to know. If you keep up with the news and news of other countries like Iran, India, Iraq, Russia, Pakistan, and China you may think otherwise. It could happen but when is the question because like I said no one really knows that.

  13. I doubt that there will be a full blown war. If there is It'll probably involve nukes so we won't know or experience very much of it. I wouldn't worry too much either way.

  14. There already kinda was a little war. but like a world war? hmm i dont know. something is DEFINETLY brewing. between US - RUSSIA. blahhhh who knows. war is stupid.

  15. hopefully in a few days we be asking what was all that internet chat about.  Why did the media have people so scared for. They do you know really scared all over the place with all this talk they are doing.  

  16. if i find that my partner has cheated on me,   YES, there is going to be one h**l of a war!

  17. Unfortunately, yes there is.. They are talking it into being.

  18. Only if Bush puts his missiles in Poland.You see that's what this has all been about really.U.S. gave Georgia the nod to go in all guns blazing,U.S. holds back to pretend it wasn't in from day one,announces mIssile sheild  agreement.Everyone thinks 'oh yeah we need that'.Does Bush really think everyone's as stupid as him?

  19. i'm a bit scared too. there is definitely something brewing. but just keep praying, and if there is a world war, worrying won't help anything. there will be wars until the end of time.

  20. who cares i live in the uk no where near russia or georgia  

  21. I will guarantee we will have a war that will kill everyone on earth with in a year.

  22. No hun, I really don't think there will.

  23. Not a conventional war more like an indirect war. No this no that sanction this sanction that.  

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