
Is there really going to be more Twilight books after Midnight Sun?

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I heard a rumor that after Midnight Sun there's going to be more Twilight books written from Nessie or Leah's perspectives. Is this true? Does anyone here know Stephanie Meyer?




  1. well i think there may be one from the point of view of one of the young vampires that are in the battle at the end of eclipse i cant remember his name though but he was made by and also fought with victoria :)

  2. I really don't think there will be anymore Twilight. And to tell you the truth I'm glad. I'm reading Breaking Dawn...and I just don't get. I'm not a really big fan of her work anymore. I'll read Midnight Sun (Edward's point of view, I've been dieing to read it) But if she does bring anything else out, I'm not going to read it.

  3. i don't know her, but i doubt that they're going to be anymore perspectives written after midnight sun

  4. I heard she was only doing Midnight Sun in Edwards POV and that was all she has said! I didn't hear anything about Nessie's POV!

    Also SM said 'There are more stories left untold'

    So I don't know if she will do anything after Breaking Dawn!

  5. So far I think that she will only come out with Midnight Sun but I'm not 100% sure. It would be interesting though to read a book in Nessie's perspective.

  6. YES!!! AND IM SOOO!!! EXCITED!!! I HEARD THERES 4 IN NESSIES POINT OF VIEW,(I HATE THE RENESME NAME IT IS A MOUTHFULL) and jake and edward's pt.2 3 4 also!!! im so excited but sad ly they'll eventually have to end...='(

  7. There will be more books from the world of Twilight. Bella's story is OVER. There may be more books about Alice, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, etc. Or maybe just some random vampire that we don't know. But yes, Stephenie does want to write more books in that 'world.'


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