
Is there really life on other planets ?

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I recently read books and saw on websites that kinda made me think about this topic but I'm not too sure about what to think does anyone have any input towards this topic ?




  1. Life? Yes...I have no doubt.

    The real question: Is there INTELLIGENT life on other planets?

    I'm not so sure there is intelligent life on Earth!

  2. i think not

  3. The fact that water exists on Mars lends credibility to the thought of life out there in space. Personally I don't believe that it would be humanoid, but I wouldn't be surprised to see single-celled or even very simple multi-celled organisms.

  4. Well scientists have discovered ice caps on mars which could lead to water. So if there's water there's life I guess...  

  5. i think yes. Not complex life forms but maybe single celled. The truth is there is bound to be some where. If you think about it there is roughly 60 billion stars in our galaxy and people no theres another 300 galaxies in existence around us that we no of because of radio telescopes. Our galaxy is small. We will never know, I'm pretty sure there is though.

  6. No one knows; there has not yet been any life found outside of Earth, but the number of other planets (or moons, etc.) where we have been is very small.  One approach to estimating the probability of life on another planet is the Drake equation.  

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