
Is there really new found confidence in Iraq ?

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Some of our brave fellas over there spoke up,, without getting permission from NBC<CNN<ABC,,we had to learn of the good news from the BBC ,, tell me why ,, Its OK for our governments news groups to politilcy BASH, this administration ,, we NEVER hear any good news from the 3 big american news groups ,, the only news they publish or openly speak about is the bad news , to make this current administration look bad , what ever happened to support your president ,, where is the honer in the american press ?




  1. am an iraqi

    i know that am abroad but i have many iraqi friends and they are relling me the stuation is really getting better specially after those two years which were the worst yet

  2. I don&#039;t pretend to be an Iraqi or get paid to post pro-Bush bull on Yahoo answers, but I do read the news.

    NBC/CNN/ABC/FOX/CBS and all the other corporate news organizations are responsible for helping Bush start his war in Iraq.

    They pushed through the lies of the Bush administration and helped keep the American public from getting the truth that would have kept so many American troops and Iraqi civilians from getting killed and maimed in Bush&#039;s war.

    The Bush administration has been paying Billions of Dollars of American tax money to Iraqi citizens to keep them from fighting against the American occupation forces.

    There was a big article on Yahoo about it this morning.

    The corporate news talks about &quot;Awakening Councils&quot; but fails to say that they are paid twice the average Iraqi monthly salary to NOT kill American troops.

    The &quot;stability&quot; in Iraq is paid for with blood money.

    That money comes from money that Bush borrows from China so that he can give tax breaks to American corporations to send US jobs to China and India.

    That deficit spending is driving down the Dollar, driving up the price of oil and will have to be paid for in taxes by American children in the future-PLUS INTEREST.

    Bush&#039;s war is dragging America down.

  3. I don&#039;t think there is new found confidence in Iraq and it&#039;s alful hard 2 support our president these days all he does is lie.

  4. Maybe the big three are after ratings in which case tell the public what they want to hear...but I have always found American media to be all about America and hardly anything about the rest of the world. ..

  5. I think you have to be outside the U.S. if you want to get the best news possible- good or bad. If this administration deems wiretapping as being okay, what makes you think ANY news that comes through (within the borders of the U.S.) is really going to be legitimate? They don&#039;t even allow the caskets of fallen soldiers to be shown. What kind of news coverage is that? You don&#039;t think that&#039;s biased?

  6. There is no press left in America. We have anti America propaganda machines. The corporate media is like a giant National Enquirer with a anti America bias.

  7. Our President has historically not been given a fair shake my the traditional media in the US.  That is one of the reasons for the explosion in talk radio here, and FoxNews where you ted to get a more balanced version of the news.

    Its sad, but much of the media here views itself as another branch of the government and seek to alter/make policy by its uneven reporting of the news. Case in point: last week , the &quot;medai made a big deal about President Bush&#039;s approval rating, while not mentioning that Congress&#039; approval rating was in the SINGLE DIGITS...8%, much lower than the president&#039;s.  By the way, both houses of congress are held by democrats.

    I sometimes think the media (CBA/ABC/NBC/CNN) is trying to steer opinion against Bush, just be able to report negatively against him.  It comes from deep within our education system I believe, the teachers in college/journalism schools are notoriously liberal, and they just produce more liberals at those institutions who then go into the workplace and try to make anything conservative or republican look bad.

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