
Is there really such a thing as Bi-sexual or are they just mixed up? Seems to me to be denial. ?

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Is there really such a thing as Bi-sexual or are they just mixed up? Seems to me to be denial. ?




  1. I don't think i'm mixed up or in denial. maybe this sounds corny but i just like people. for me it's just like if i meet a person and i like them in that way then i just do. bisexual is definitely an orientation that stands on it's own. (for those who care to go by labels) although personally i could care less for labels really.  

  2. There is definitely such a thing as bisexual.

  3. Of course such a preference exists.  It is simply that the individual enjoys s*x and/or intimacy with both genders.  However, my philosophy with regard to bi-sexuality is that if you "ride the fence", you'll get splinters up your ***.

  4. Why is it so hard to believe that someone can be attracted to both male and female?

  5. Some are just mixed up or in denial.

    Others aren't.

    The odds of someone being 50/50 bi are rare.  

    Most people do have a preference one way or the other.  

    Most bis are 60/40 or 70/30, etc.

  6. I dont think I'm mixed up and i'm certainly not in denial!!!!It would be so much easier for me to be g*y.I won't have to deal with girls rejecting me because i like guys as well!Believe me there is such thing as Bi-sexual

  7. Well, I'm bi. But I have wondered if there really is such a thing. I mean it sounds kind of greedy or whatever to like both men AND women? I really don't know much about it. lol

  8. I think to certain degree it exists, but it's not like fifty/fifty equel attraction. There is always a stronger preference.

  9. **** you. we aren't mixed up we know what we want and what we want is someone to love.  it doesn't matter if they're male or female, if we find someone, we will go for them.

  10. I think bi sexuality is a step to becoming g*y for many like me first i thought i was bi but now i know i like girls 100% and that step was like me being in the middle of being g*y and straight.

    Just my opinion.

  11. I truly believe there are bisexuals because I am.  Also, Alfred Kinsey did several scientific experiments that proved that there are several varying degrees of sexuality.  He proved that few people are exclusively homosexual or heterosexual.  Therefore, majority of people are bisexual but suppress the weaker part of their sexuality.  

  12. prlly jst mixed up

  13. I can tell you 100% Bisexual people are not "mixed up". Like me, I am both sexual, physical, and emotionally attracted to both men and women. Its just like asking "Is there such think as being g*y? Or are they just confused that they like p***s instead of v****a?" I am not confused and either is most of the people who have accepted being bisexual as their sexual orientation.

  14. It is it's own orientation.

  15. in denial of what, exactly?

    i think the only denial here is the people who deny that bisexuality is it's own sexual orientation, defined and different from being g*y or straight.

  16. Why are they in denial? They love people male or female for who they are. Why should they have to pick?  

  17. A little bit of both.

  18. I myself don't think that there is a Bi its like you either like on or the other no in between no telia tequila i just don't get it  

  19. You are entitled to your own opinion but I am bi-sexual and married. I have a health s*x life and I can tell you I am not confused or in denial! I had a loving mother and father growing up so don't think it was lack of parenting!

    Many people who start out as bi-sexual are indeed experimenting and thats how they find out if they are so into both sexes or one more so than the other being g*y!

    Does this make you feel uncomfortable? Why is it such a big deal to love someone. In a world filled with such hatred why do you care if two men love and care for one another, or two women?

    To each his own!  

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