
Is there really such a thing as a person "spontaneously combusting?"?

by Guest10699  |  earlier

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Is there really such a thing as a person "spontaneously combusting?"?




  1. Michelob's answer is exactly right.  The answer is no, absolutely.

  2. i try not think about that, as much as i drink sometimes thats reason enough for me to keep my mouth shut!

  3. yep

  4. Ew. I sure hope it's extremely rare or non existant. That sounds very messy.

  5. Yes

  6. yes,

       it deals mostly with extremely rare circumstances all happening at the right precise moment, such as a certain gas being in your stomach at just a certain pH level with certain combustible fiber being digested. so it is very rare but can happen. it also happens in nature.

  7. if there is id loooooooove to see it

  8. nope

  9. Michelob has it exactly right.  It would have been more "fun" if people would spontaneously burst into flame, but reality is sometimes rather boring.

  10. No.  They've done tests on bodies and they all are people that have died from another cause.  They died near a heat source (they were smoking a cigarette, or near a candle).  They were also fat.

    What happens is the flame and fat act like a wick and wax.  The flame slowly burns off the fat, like a candle.  It is a controlled burn so little else gets burned, except the body.

  11. Yes, its very rare but possible.

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