
Is there really such thing as a car that runs on hydrogen?

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Is there really such thing as a car that runs on hydrogen?




  1. ya

  2. Honda has one that is being released in the summer. It's the Honda FCX and can only be bought in Irvine, Santa Monica and Torrance California.

  3. YEs, Al Gore has a BMW on order

  4. yes, but if you get in a reck i would imagine the car would explode

  5. Yeah but it would explode during fillup if there was a spark

  6. Yes, most are experimental, but Honda has a limited production hydrogen fueled car that is available in CA.

  7. BMW already created one awhile ago. Hydrogen powered cars? Cars can run off of anything, like cow maneur.

  8. Absolutely is now and all the way back to 1807 when Francois Isaac de Rivaz designed first hydrogen engine and car.   First practical hydrogen engine 1859 by Jean Joseph Lenoir.  Today Roy McAlister president of the American Hydrogen Association, has been converting gasoline powered cars to operation on hydrogen since 1964.

  9. yes

  10. Yes there are some hydrogen fuel cell cars.  However, they're not very practical.  There is no hydrogen infrastructure (few places you can get hydrogen fuel), and we mainly get our hydrogen from fossil fuels (mostly natural gas), and the process produces a lot of greenhouse gases.  Hydrogen is a long way off from being a viable alternative fuel for cars.

  11. Not really.  You could run your Buick off a tank of hydrogen if you wanted, but there aren't any hydrogen cars in production, nor does it look like there will be unless Honda has more success than they have.  The problem is the fuel: hydrogen is expensive and has a poor energy density: you need a lot of it to get down the road.  They get it by heating up natural gas until the carbon falls out.  It's not a great process, either economically or environmentally.

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