
Is there research being done to see if kelp can be grown on land and used instead of corn for ethanol fuel?

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Is there research being done to see if kelp can be grown on land and used instead of corn for ethanol fuel?




  1. Not that I've heard of.  Why would we grow kelp on land?  We have plenty of ocean space, but we're limited on land space.

  2. I haven't heard of this. Ceetol or cellulosic ethanol is a new way to produce ethanol from the cellulose (full name lignocellulose and hemicellulose) of plants. A marine bacterium called Saccharophagus degredans is being used to produce ceetol directly using bacteria for conversion this process is called Bactranol or bacterial transformation ethanol and this will revolutionize the way ethanol is being produced. A company called Zymetis is already doing this in the U.S.

  3. im sure they are researching but on the DL

  4. there is plenty of kelp in the sea why would you want to grow it on land???

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