
Is there research on adult adoptees regarding long-term psychological problems?

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I've seen studies and papers written mostly about children and teen coping and behavioral problems in adoptees, but I haven't really found anything on adults. Does anyone know of any?




  1. In 2004,The Internet Journal of Academic Physician Assistants published a study called Long-Term Effects Of Adoption: An Empirical Study Of Adult Adoptees.

    I read it a little while back.  It's an interesting read with data tables.

  2. The British Association for Adoption and Fostering published a well researched study in 2003.  Although not about psychological prroblems, it is a meticulous presentation of sound research findings.

    Adoption, Search and Reunion:  The Long-Term Experience of Adopted Adults.   By David Howe and Julia Feast.   ISBN# 1-902699-53-3

  3. I am sorry that I am not aware of any specific papers or research.  I am sure there are some.  From a personal perspective, 2 of my closest friends are adults who were adopted, one as an infant, the other out of foster care when she was 11.  The one who was adopted as an infant has been my friend since kindergarten and we'll both turn 50 this year.  She has never had any behavioral problems and her coping skills have always been good.  She did have some social problems growing up, but I attribute that more to having older very protective parents and while I love her mother, she is quite overbearing.  My friend who was adopted out of foster care at 11, I have only known her for a few years and actually only found out recently she was adopted.  She is a beautiful person, quite all together and has coped wonderfully with a wayward son and some serious medical problems of her own.  In the case of the 2 of them, I don't see any evidence of long-term psychological problems.  Both speak very lovingly and with gratitude of the people they consider their "real" parents.  Most of the people I know with long-term psychological problems, were raised by their biological parents.

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