
Is there security devices in makeup at Walmart?

by  |  earlier

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I have always seen people leaving walmart with the security going nuts. I was wondering if anyone knew if they actually put security devices in make up. Because my friend told me they have it in everything, but at their new cashes there is like a tiny alarm that goes off when they de activate something on a movie, cd, and some games.




  1. Are you a thief? If so, yes. If not, no.

  2. please dont tell us you are risking jail time for makeup.  

  3. I have seen it on some of their more "expensive" brands, but not all of them

  4. Wondering why it matters?  If you always pay for everything you take out of the store, your receipt will be your proof should you be stopped.

  5. it's possible

  6. even if they didn't have security devices in the make-up, they have the place surrounded with cameras... look above you when your in the store... see those black globe type objects above? ya their cameras... theirs no way getting around them.

    AND, if you happen to get passed the cameras.. be aware their are undercover security guards in the store... the person next to you, in the plain clothes, ya she could be security.

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