
Is there segregation in schools today?

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i need to write an essay on this and i need a few more reasons why there is segregation. I currently have de facto segregation (blacks move into black neighborhoods, white into white neighborhoods, etc) i don't really need statistics just reasons, i can do that research myself.




  1. i dont know about segregation, but i go to school in a very rural area and there are only a couple of people of different skin colors, and there is a lot of racism towards them and its awful. i guess when people arent exposed to different cultures, they have a hard time tolerating them.

  2. Yes there is still segregation in schools. You have the rich verses the poor and you the bright against the not so bright (dunce).

  3. Looking at the various causes of "defacto segregation" is interesting in itself. The popular feeling is that everyone has the free will to choose where they live, which is correct. However, the incentives that lead to this decision are rich and asymmetric. As the previous answerer points out, there are economic constraints that may lead to segregation. Like it or not, the fact is that caucasion kids are way more likely to have millionaire daddies/uncles than black or hispanic kids. Whatever reason we want to attribute this to, this fact makes it more likely that, for example, black kids will not live in a multimillion dollar house. Given that most schools are funded by property taxes, this economic constraint will sort  the kids along these lines.

      There are other influences. In a neighborhood, the emergence of a strongly ethnic community may simply displace other potential students. A strongly Laotian or Sudanese neighborhood will tend seek others like themselves out of simple need for efficient communication. Likely grocery stores, attorneys, medical clinics and such will niche towards this group. Over time, the previous demographic representatives simply move on to another area.  Not all segregation is insidious, however I believe a lot of the economically driven separation is intentional.  It's a lot easier for affluent parents to sort out non-affluent playmates for their kids when the less privelidged are downtown in the projects. The justification for this is that the wealthier pay more taxes, so are entitled to better schools.

  4. Defacto is the only kind allowed by law.  Dejure segregation is illegal.

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