
Is there so much unhappiness in the world because people have unfulfillable expectations?

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Would we be better off under a system like that described in Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World where people are bred for specific roles and feel happy and fulfilled in them?




  1. Yes and no.  If we lived our lives the way they were intended to live, then we would be happy, fulfilled and at peace with ourselves and the world.  But we also have free will.  And so many want to live their lives for themselves. It's all about "me"!

    It is what "I" want; what 's in it for 'me'?  

    If we would just try to live for the purpose intended for each and every one of us, this world would resonate in harmony!

    He created us, all of us for a reason and this reason only He knows.

    I only know, for myself, I have never been happier in my life, than I am right now, because I gave my life up to God!  :D

  2. I expect so.

    But the way you say it, it's like it was a bad thing.

    Your reach must always exchange your grasp, because Creativity is based on the spark of Divine Discontent.

  3. An optimist would say a bottle of bear was half full

    A pessimist would say it was half empty

  4. blame it on the carrot and stick role of advertising

  5. Yah there is that much and I think I am one of the victims anyway I think thats the way it is coz needs changes constantly, we can never be satisfied, the more we get, the more we want, thats why people who are in high positions are corrupt and demonstrating greediness everyday,

  6. I don't think it's so much that people should be bred for certain jobs, I just think that people need to realize that every job has a place, and that we need all jobs.  If people recognized that we need janitors and fry cooks as much as we need doctors, they might not look down on them so much.

    I also think it's important for people to spend more time thinking about what they're thankful for, as opposed to what they wish they had.

  7. I think an attempt to structure society too tightly, beyond certain natural limits, for whatsoever reasons as for instance in a bid to create a utopian world, would result into incurring more unhappiness instead in the minds and hearts of people.

    It has been thousands of years since Plato first presented his vision of such a world in his Republic, a state governed by the best among people as a form of elitist and aristocratic democracy, but never since has that utopian vision been actually realized, despite it being a popular treatise on political philosophy among philosopher of the ages.

    I think it is natural, normal and healthy to let people lead relatively independent lives, to make mistakes in their self-governance, and therefore to let them face the outcomes of their own free action, to be their own judge and jury most of the time, that within certain legal, moral and ethical restraints of course for the purpose of common good and wellbeing. For when the lives are governed absolutely, then even if the governors are sheared through rigorous screening processes into public office, the masses will not any happier, as then there will be nothing to save the governors, with sole responsibility on their shoulders, from the blames if something goes wrong in the multitude of unhappy and discontent people.

    It is good that people learn to take responsibility of their own live by make their own decisions. There is much pain, suffering and unhappiness in the world but I think this the best that is there for us so far according to our current understanding, ability and capacity. But our capacity can increase in time with experience and we can understand concepts and their subsequent realities better as we learn from our past. If we look toward into the future then we can allow ourselves to I think hopefully, believing that there still is ample room for improvement.

  8. No, people who are unhappy don't know they create their life. If they really understood what they meant they would fulfill their expectations.

  9. Yes. Being pessimistic in life gives one unhappiness. Lack of knowledge makes one unhappy.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  10. Not unfulfillable; unreasonable expectations.  Its fine to aim for the moon, but if you have way to get there its not going to happen.

  11. To me, the crux of the matter is very similar to a lot of the world's (and it's people's) problems: Compromise ... As said already by some, aiming for the moon is fine, why not after all ... but, everyone has to realise that in life, as with everything we aim for out of life, we have to compromise. If we do not learn to compromise and only ever accept the ultimate prize, invariably we will lose. Any loss that is constantly in the mind never helps the soul.

    To my mind, the World's soul will die when every one of us accepts what the big marketing companies say, ie.: "We all NEED the latest Tv. The LATEST technology. To be the Boss of the company ... etc." When the world forgets that we all need compromise, then it will simply be a matter of who has the biggest gang .. and whoever that is, it will not be good for the rest of us.

  12. Ignorance is bliss, I have low (fulfillable) expectations and I'm unhappy, the joy in my life comes from being pessimistic and sarcastic.

  13. I suspect there is something in what you say - the first part, that is.

    I have noticed more and more (eminating I believe from the USA) the idea that you can be anything you choose to be - and I see expressions on this site, such as 'Don't let anyone put you down.  Don't let anyone say you can't be who you want to be, get what you want'

    Well, the truth is.....unless you are extremely intelligent, extremely talented, extremely are just going to live an ordinary life.  The secret of happiness is not to aim for the moon when you haven't a remote chance of reaching is to be realistic about your choices and your ambitions.

    Be a big fish in a tiny pool.  

    What was it Marlon used to say in On the Waterfront...?(different circumstances, but) I coulda bin a contender....Lots of unhappy people go around saying 'I could have been a brain surgeon - it's just I drew too many short straws' - rubbish.  They are doing what they are able to do. Be happy with that.

  14. Good question,, yes, i think that some people have unrealistic goals and too high expectations which make them unhappy because they cant be reached. However, we have to find a balance where we still have expectations that are at least possible. In answer to the 2nd part of the question, yes again, maybe we would be better off already knowing our purpose and having to just get on with it, because we would already have the guidance on what we are supposed to be doing...

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