
Is there some calming exercise besides meditating or taking pills?

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My life is really stressful and sometimes i need to relax but i cant is there anything i can do?




  1. yoga

  2. Prayer, Yoga, listening to soothing music. Learning to quiet ones thoughts, and be at peace. Learn deep breathing. Read out loud.  Meditation, and many more.......

  3. My sis asked me that same question yesterday,she told me lately she's been anxious. I told her that is because she's desperate and should change her priorities and make a list of all the things she wants and only choose what is really important and cancel out or put on hold the not so. And that medication doesn't really work it just makes you sleepin but it doesn't change you inside like doubtful thoughts,neg. emotions. I Also told her that the best meditation that really could help her with all this is Self-Awareness which is sittin in a quiet place asking your self specific questions about yourself and writing the answers down in a piece of paper to know who you are like what you dislike about your self what do you want from life until u come to the roots of your problems and then change your doubts to truth. Once you have new thoughts educate yourself for 30 minutes everyday until you become self-aware of them. All that stress you have is because you have too much doubt in your mind and things you want to do. Exercise also helps for some 20 to 30 minutes to relax your body and it also gives you more endurance and promotes better health. Well I hope this help you:)

  4. I run or lift weights while listening to my music.

  5. yoga, any exercise. reading a book you like, listening to music, chatting with a friend about problems or even keeping a diary. watch tv. make time for a movie with friends or something.  it all depends on what you like doing...,

  6. You can do strenuous exercise early in the day, which actually helps you to relax more easily in the evening. You need 30 minutes 4 times a week for decent health. Drink 2 quarts of water a day.  You can do all that, and should see good results in about a week.

  7. Tai Chi.  Incorporates a great philosophy with meditation and physical exercise



  8. Listen to some reggae music and lie down.....

  9. Sometimes just taking a couple of deep breaths can really calm a person down.  Depends on the person, I suppose, but just taking a quick breather when you're stressed out couldn't hurt.

  10. Yoga.

  11. Stretching and Yoga are very good and calming.  It will help you to relax, as well as give you excercise, which will help you to release stress.

  12. Exercise while listening to good music ,Also lie down and hold your breath for 30 to 45 seconds

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