
Is there some cultural value that says you can only work hard north of the Rio Grande? ?

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Is there some cultural value that says you can only work hard north of the Rio Grande? ?




  1. Only if you are an illegal alien criminal from south of the border.

    Apparently from what I read on here, Americans are lazy and wont work, collect welfare, and let illegals have all the jobs.

  2. No!  Those from other countries only need to apply themselves to work harder within their own sovereign nations!  They apparently choose not to though!

  3. Very interesting question. I'm mexican, part of the educated elite, I guess, and it seems that a lot of people that live in Mexico and go to the US drastically change their behavior. Then, they go back to Mexico (the ones that go back) and several of them behave like outcasts, as if they had the right to do anything.

    So, I'm starting to think that that's correct. I mean, I don't really know. I think the legal system also has to deal with it, and since a lot of them might have fear of being deported, they try to behave better and work harder in the US than in Mexico. Unfortunately, that might be true.  

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