
Is there some new telemarketer technology?

by  |  earlier

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First of all, we're on the "do not call list" so I don't know why we're suddenly being bombarded with telemarketing calls but we are!

And several times now over ther past week, I will be in the middle of explaining that we are not interested, or try request that they remove me from their list, and the person completely runs over my voice with noregard to what I'm saying. It's in a super-sweet, fake voice, and they always say something like.... "There is no message at this time. We will try back again shortly, thank you." And then they hang up. All before I can get one word in edgewise. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a recorded message or something. Do they press a button the minute they hear me getting ready to say no??? Doe a computer determine the next line based on my response??? Just to keep me from requesting to be removed from the list? This must be something new because it's never happened to me until recently. Anyone know?




  1. First, are you sure the recorded message is a telemarketer and not a call related to a service you use?

    My mother went through a month-long "battle" with an automated call from the video rental store she uses.  She would hang up as soon as the call would come in, before listening what it was saying.  It called back every day.  It ended up being an automated call to say that she was incredibly late on her video rental, etc.

    There's also automated calls to remind you of deliveries, renew your magazine subscription, pay your electric company, etc.

    If it's none of the above and after listening through the messages you're sure they're telemarketers (recorded or not) then you should check to make sure your telephone number is still registered with the National Do Not Call List.    You can check if it's still on there at this link.

    Also, whether it is currently or not, it's important to remember that your telephone number only remains on the Do Not Call List for 5 years.  After that, you need to put it back on.  Don't forget, even if your number is registered, companies with which you do business may continue to call you. So may charities, political organizations, and telephone surveyors.

    If your number is on the list and it's definetly telemarketing calls you are receiving, you can file a complaint at the following website.

  2. yes, sounds like a recorded message.  i believe the system is completely computerized, so all it does is give you a message automatically.  it's not "programmed" to understand or hear anything you say -- instead, it's a lot like listening to a message on your answering machine.  i don't think there's any special button pushing :)

    i don't know the answer to making them stop calling you, but it might be better just to ignore the calls if you can, and not pick up the phone if the number is unfamiliar

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