
Is there some sort of AGW skeptics gathering or group i can join in Australia?

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I'd love to join their group if i knew if there was any because i just feel so alone in this debate against AGW





    > The earth's obliquity Angle decreases by 0.47" each

    > year, which changes the focus of the sun's radiation

    > on earth, resulting in climate shifts. As the

    > obliquity angle decreases, the hemispheres change in

    > basic temperature with the south becoming colder and

    > the north becoming warmer.  When the obliquity angle

    > reaches about 22 degrees, it will start to go the

    > other way and the north will get colder again and the

    > south will become warmer.  Obviously, and counter to

    > Al Gores unlearned theories, the warming of the

    > northern hemisphere cannot be stopped by man.  It will

    > stop and reverse itself.  Then the climate shifts we

    > presently experience will be goin the other way.  It

    > is pure logic applied to astro-physical law.


    > It has long been recognized that rather than staying

    > constant, obliquity varies slowly with time as a

    > result of external gravitational influences. The Moon

    > and Sun's tidal torques on Earth's ellipticity give

    > rise to the familiar 26,000-year astronomical

    > precession, while the gravitational pull of other

    > planets, primarily Jupiter and Venus, slowly perturbs

    > the orientation of the ecliptic plane in space. The

    > combined effect observed by Earth dwellers is an

    > ~41,000-year oscillation in the obliquity with overall

    > amplitude typically of about 2°. This oscillation is

    > one of the three Milankovitch cycles that ultimately

    > affect our long-term climatic system and serve as the

    > pacemaker of ice ages. The present-day obliquity

    > happens to be close to the mean value, and we are in

    > the middle of a downswing (see figure (1)). In terms

    > of real distance on the Earth's surface, one should

    > see a slow equatorward shift of the tropics by 14.4 m

    > a year-well over 1 km in a century!  

  2. Odds are there's not...people tend to form groups only when they're in the minority.  Zealots are much smaller in number...they just get more press time.

  3. I'm in Australia and would love to find out the answer that you get to this question. I'd be interested in finding out more, instead of blindly believing unproven science and resort to name calling like some of your other answerers.

    I'm glad to be able to actually think for myself and not blindly believe Al Gore's movie and the media hype.

    Good luck!

  4. There is a skeptic society in Australia although like all skeptics they realise that global warming is happening (and that global warming 'skepticism' has just as much substance as moon landing 'skepticism').

    Ben O: 1994 is a long time ago, back when there actually were skeptics who thought global warming might not be happening or caused by us.  The evidence since then has improved massively.

  5. There are more people than you think. Many just do not say anything for fear of reprisal. You will notice a majority on Yahoo.answers do not believe in it.

    Most people believe in it only because they have never taken the time to research the issue. They watch the main stream media show polar bears dying and icebergs melting and naturally assume it is true. They are unable to differentiate between natural and man made because the media constatntly tries to blame humans, USA, and capitalism.

    I went to one of Al Gore's slide shows presented by a local church. The presenter was a recent college grad who knew little to nothing of the issue. The audience was buying her presentation, until I started asking questions. I asked what was the historic primary driver between temp and CO2 (we know it is temp drives CO2). I asked why the Medieval Warm period was warmer than current temps, and humans thrived. I kept asking the questions I know the answer to, and finally, other audience members started to doubt the entire theory. One lady mentioned her brother was a NASA rocket scientist, who had studied the data. His conclusion was there was no evidence. By the end of the presentation, my asking questions completely turned the audience away from the doom and gloom of the presentation.

    Stand by what you believe, do the research, and you will convince others. Remember most people do not know the facts and only go by what they see on TV. Show them some basic data, and you can easily change their opinions.

    Here is one of my favorites. It easily shows the entire theory to be flawed just by showing one graph.

  6. Trythe Austration Climate Science Coalition

  7. U are right so stick with it. the Australians I knew in Korea were fighters. Most of the temperature data is from uncalibrated thermometers. Ask them to prove the accuracy of there data.

  8. Of course you are not alone, but AGW believers can be very vocal and self righteous as they believe they are saving the world - like the Jehovah's Witnessed believe they are trying to save your soul.  

    If you go to university, you are going to be surrounded by people preaching one political idea or another as believe they are on a mission to save the world from the evils of capitalism, misogyny, environmental destruction and US foreign policy.  If you don't share the beliefs of these people there is nothing you can do about it, just let them be.  

    Anyway, you might want to take a look at the Church of the flying spagetti monster - it's a parody of religion (though if you are religious, this may not appeal to you).

    Bestonnett_00 has a lot of faith in AGW, so much so that he believes the an intelligent group such as the Australian Skeptic Society must believe it too.  A quick check of the site indicates otherwise.  The skeptics journal considers it unlikely that the moon landings were faked, but is somewhat sceptical about AGW which many people regard it as the biggest scam of the modern era.


    Bestonnette - Your faith is strong.

    The Australian Skeptics society has 72 references to global warming on their web site - some of them are quite mocking.  I didn't see any supporting the idea so  I picked one at random.

    Since 1994 we have had no warming for 10 years and the biggest cooling event ever recorded and the hockey stick has been found to be flawed.

  9. Phil wrote

    "There seems to be an abundance of people that totally disregard scientific fact"

    I think people like Bestonnet and and Phil are just as bad as the deniers--more about confusing the public with regards to the scientific process and certainty in AGW.

  10. Start your own group!  It is a scientific fact that our earth was even warmer back in the Middle Ages!  Perhaps today's weather is is not normal and a warmer climate is really what we should have!  A warmer Earth will mean a longer growing season and more food!  

    It is a scientific fact that Antarctica has had bits and pieces fall off for over 10,000 years  - this is normal.  Besides, this continent is so large of course some chunks will fall off every now and then at the warmer edges. Center ice mass in Antarctica is increasing!

    It is a scientific fact that when glacial ice melts in Europe evidence of past human habitation is uncovered - thereby the earth was warmer in our past and then it got cooler and the glaciers formed - perhaps warm temps are normal!  And all of this warming and cooling happened without any help from human beings!  

    The last ice age in North America ended around 10,000 years ago - and there were no huge amounts of human beings available to cause this Global Warming!  How could this happen - duhh  - it's a normal cycle that our Earth goes through from time to time.

    To believe that Global Warming (now called Climate Change because the Earth did not get as warm as predicted) is solely the result of human beings is not based on sound scientific fact!  There are as many scientists that do not believe that Global Warming is man made - but you mostly hear from the pro- GW scientists more often!  The threat of the earth ending due to GW is news that makes money for the  news media!  Follow the money, there are many corporations that will make billions of dollars off Global Warming hysteria!

    In our past billion years there must have been hundreds of thousands of Global Warming periods take place, perhaps a million - all of them without any help from man or man's machines!  

    P.S. There are more polar bears today than 25 years ago and  there are more trees in America today than 200 years ago no matter what you read or hear about their demise!

  11. Maybe there is a reason you are alone. But if you're convinced you know better you should write up your discovery in a scientific paper and submit it to a journal. You'll be a star when all the scientists realize they are wrong and you are right. I think Einstein did that a couple times. You are probably at least as smart as him, so why not go for it.

  12. Come to America.  There seems to be an abundance of people that totally disregard scientific fact (although in reality it's only a small percentage of the USA population).

  13. Since it's so much a political issue, why not join a political party there that doesn't have plans to raise taxes and return people to the dark ages if elected?  That's where you can make the most difference.

  14. I don't claim to have all the answers. You are wise to be wary of the people who do. There is plenty of evidence to at least cast some serious doubt on AGW. Unfortunately, believers have turned a blind eye to it. Their minds are made up. For many, AGW has become a religion. That is why we often refer to them as believers. I believe the theory will soon be put down. The religious fervor will linger and will probably rear it's ugly head in some other form of man did it philosophy.

  15. Probably....oh how I envy you!

    Check these out and start your search here...

    there seems to be lots of common sense down under....

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