
Is there some sort of law that requires restaurants to give a free cup of water or is it just a courtesy?

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Is there some sort of law that requires restaurants to give a free cup of water or is it just a courtesy?




  1. No.

    In some states they do not give you water unless you ask for it as a measure to conserve water.

  2. No, there is no law that requires any buisness to give anything for free.

    And in fact, in a few areas where there has been extreme drought this year, there have been local ordinances forbidding restraunts from serving water except by request only, to help conserve water.

  3. It's up on the server or manager-most retaurants/night clubs & bars will charge if you're not buying food or drinks-(in Las Vegas Nevada at a go-go bar, wether you order a Long Island, soda pop, or just water, it's 8 bucks a glass & you must buy 2 minimum.)

  4. No there is no law requiring restaurants to provide free water to their customers, though you will find most resturants do, because by providing something so small for free, leaves a lasting impression on * potential * customers, and their for can enduce further business from that customer, personally when I dine out I like to be offered a glass of water, whilst looking over the menu, that keeps me interested in the restaurant as they are interested in the business I could provide.

  5. Speaking of Mc-Donald's, it is US corporate policy to provide a cup of water to anyone who asks, customer or not, whether through Drive-Thru or the front counter.

  6. That depends entirely upon restaurant policy. Most sit-down, casual dining restaurants (i.e., not fast food) will provide water as a courtesy to their guests, simply because. However, a lot of restaurants are starting to do away with that, in an attempt to conserve water - a lot of customers don't drink the water that is brought to them, and is therefore just wasted water.

  7. nothing is free my friend

  8. Courtesy.

  9. It is not law but any restaurant that doesn't has lost its way. When I ask for just a water at McDonald's or any other restaurant, they should keep in mind that I have probably already given them hundreds of dollars of business. They should also keep in mind that even though I am not giving them business this moment, I am likely to do so tomorrow or the next day. Restaurants who charge for water are very shortsighted in my opinion.

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