
Is there some type of medication to get off meth?

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Is there some type of medication to get off meth?




  1. nomatter what you do your going to go through detox. It wont be pleasant, i suggest you you go to a detox center because detoxing is not only hard, it can be dangerous. And i would deffinatly suggest to not try any drugs that are worse to get off meth. thats only going to make you worse.  

  2. methamphetamines or methadone?

    sorry but there is no treatment for either. morphine was invented to treat alcoholism. heroin was invented to treat morphine addiction. finally they invented methadone to treat everyone they got addicted to heroin. they havent come out with anything worse yet.  there is one option besides detox. look at the two links below. it is as illegal as meth but unfortunately very hard to come by. i wish i had some for a friend.

    best of luck

  3. I don't think there is anything to get off meth. There are medications to ease the withdrawal symptoms. Your best bet is a Detox Center and be monitored during your withdrawal and then an intensive re-hab to help with the emotional/psychological aspect of recovery. Good luck.  

  4. Crystal.... or methodone?

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