
Is there someone in this world who will help me?

by  |  earlier

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I lost custody of my son when he was two and half. His father does not have legal custody, he just uses intimidation on me and our Navajo tribe backs him up. I need a referral to a good attorney. I have a job to pay for services.




  1. You need to contact some local attorneys who are familiar with tribal laws.

  2. not enough information here

  3. go to your local Citizena Advice Bureau, they should be able to refer you to somebody. Good luck.

  4. There are probably good attorneys in your area.  You might look in the phone book, and see which attorneys specialize in custody issues.  Also, if your husband does not have custody and refuses to let you see your child you are WELL within your rights to call the police.  There is no reason he should get away with bullying you, tribe or no tribe.

  5. I'm sorry that I do not know a good attorney that specializes in that area. however, if you are either of you are Navajo, ICWA or the Indian Child Welfare Act would pertain to your child.. type the term into any search engine and it will give you alot of information.  I would suggest finding an attorney in your area which specializes in dealing with ICWA.  

    I used to volunteer my assistance with social services through my Cherokee tribe and am familiar with ICWA.

    Here is a link that may help:

    From their page... "The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization that provides legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide - a constituency that often lacks access to the justice system. NARF focuses on applying existing laws and treaties to guarantee that national and state governments live up to their legal obligations. "

    There are many more links on this site which may help you.

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