
Is there someone in your life you want to talk to at the moment but can't?

by Guest64751  |  earlier

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Who is it and what would you like to say to them?




  1. Several people from my past. Certain university friends who stopped speaking to me a few years ago. I'd like to know why and what did I do wrong and why they facebooked a while back, if they don't want to know. Also my ex ex boyfriend I want to know he is happy and settled in life.

  2. I wish I could talk to my husband and tell him how much I love him and miss him. He is very far away and will be gone a long time.

  3. yep, but not telling you!

  4. The love of my life, I'd tell her she is the one person I truly loved in my life, because if I had a choice, I'd drop every single girl I've ever know for her....but I know we'll never be together.

  5. yes,there is someone, but i cant say what i want to tell that person,its private,u know...

  6. a dear friend

    i want to tell him how much he matters

    i want to tell him that i see, have always seen,

    the child from ago

    i want to tell him that i will not forsake him, that i love him for who he is (though he will argue that it is not possible)

    that i truly am his friend

    and that when he lashes out my my steps may falter but my love does not

    but i don't know how to tell him without making him panic

    and i want him to know that my intentions are loving and gentle but that my words can be clumsy and awkward

    and that sometimes i misjudge (sometimes so does he)

    i want to explain that my life is changing and the time i can spend will soon be less but have no idea how i can say that to him without him thinking i'm trying to back away

    i am not

    i am not

    if ever in the times to come i don't give my time it will be because i don't have it and not because i've turned my back

    i promise

    there's something else too

    i don't ever want to lose this person and as God is my witness

    i will always call him friend

    i carry him in my heart

    he has no idea how beautiful he is and if i try to tell him he thinks i'm making fun

    or have eyes full of planks

    but our masks can reveal as much as they conceal

    if i could speak to him now i would say

    i am here for you

    you are a beloved friend

    and i am devoted

    which does not mean i will get it right

    and i hope you will somehow accept my limitations

    because i would never deliberately hurt you

    but i can't be your all, i know you know that and i want to be your life long friend but not your only friend (and if that just made you angry then you haven't understood how much you matter)

    and if all i'm meant to be is a stepping stone for you we must both bend to His will

    i will always be here for you when you need me

    and when the time  comes and  you don't need me anymore i will still always want to hear (daily) from an old friend with a new life  x

  7. i would love to talk to my grandma and say i miss you and i love you and say how are you doing is it fun what things do you bake things like we did before you died and i miss you and i will see you someday and wee can cook and bake and i cant Waite to see you i miss your cooking and your hugs and i miss our talks and all the fun we had  

  8. Yes...I wish my husband will stop his bothers me...and saddens me...but I can never talk to him about it. Maybe I should :(

  9. Yes, but she left me.

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