
Is there someone out there that specializes in deeds and removal of names off deeds?

by  |  earlier

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If there is a lawyer on this network that can help me w/ a property i owned w / my father that now has passed away and we did not do the proper papers as far as a quick claim deed or joint tenancy . i am not able to obtain or pull equity from home that has been free and clear paid off due to this. please help (email




  1. First, it's a quitclaim deed, not a "quick claim."  No lawyer can advise you without 1) seeing the deed(s) in question and 2) knowing the real property and estate laws of your state.  You need to consult with an estates lawyer in your area.

  2. You cannot expect to obtain specific legal advice on Yahoo!Answers, but you might get some suggestions that you can then take up with a local attorney (wherever that is).

    In general:

    If a deed had a joint tenancy, then the survivors automatically receive the remaining ownership when one of the joint tenants dies and there is no need to file anything (and it's not part of probate), although a registration of the death certificate, with reference to the joint deed, would make the title search a little easier for the next guy.

  3. Is the property held in joint tenancy or tennants in common.  If it is the former, you own the property and your problem is solved.  If the latter is the case, the proprety will have to probated.  Contact a probate attorney in your area.

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