
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes, there is someone who's always on my mind! ♥ =)

  2. yeah my little brother even though hes always right near me i cant stop thinking about how much i love him :)

  3. Several someones  

  4. Yes I do....the one who holds the key to my heart. A real honey drippier. Yes it is a bee. LOL

  5. yeah

  6. Haha yeah, these two guys. I like them both tooo much ;)

  7. yes, but I wish it would stop

  8. I think of you darling every second of the day and night,I Love you babe!  

  9. pretty much..

    miss him more than i can describe

  10. There are 2 guys, lol. One is someone I fell in love with after being in a situation with him for 6 months. We are no longer in contact but I wonder if he thinks about me and misses me sometimes.

    There is another guy who reckons he likes me but has not done called or text me recently. Hes always on facebook poking me and he knows I like him also. So I wonder what hes doing and thinking. I wish I had the guts to call him but I dont, lol

  11. Yes my deceased father I just wish he was here to see how I turned out and to meet his grandchildren.

  12. yes my love nick jonas

  13. Yeah, sure is.  

  14. Yes.

  15. Definitely. She was like my sister, she was older than me, but that didn't changed anything, i thought of her as my best friend. She just recently went off to college, and i wish i knew what she was thinking about, because i stopped calling her after the first week when she didn't pick up, now its been 2 weeks 6 days and  15 hours, i feel really lame that i know how much time has passed. But when i miss her this much, its hard to not know. I just wonder if she misses me?

  16. Yes...These 2 guys.....=(

  17. yes there is a guy who liked me since i was in the 3rd grade n we dated too now i m in 10th grade. but now we r in different country. he mailed me he says he still wants to date me but i dont wanna cuz we r too far away. so i m thinking about him n a good reason to answer him

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