
Is there someone you would like to spend time with doing the same old thing every day, kinda like routine...?

by  |  earlier

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Survey: would you be bored....?? I know I certainly wouldn't & would look forward to it with a smile.................

THANKS everyone for taking the time.............




  1. hiya, i married when i was 17 yrs old,i have been married 42 yrs.still very much in love. do the same thing every day,month year.and hope to do it for another 50 yrs.  happy  yes.x*x

  2. I have that someone, and we do a lot of the same old things every day , but i dont get bored i love it...I love being with him, i would not have it any other way...

  3. Yes there is and maybe one day it will happen . I know I wouldn't be bored as I would be with some one I really cared about.

    It will happen for you soon enough, Melia

  4. yes actually there is....

  5. Why not? shore there is. but with I love the most

  6. You mean like fighting over bacon sandwiches .

  7. Yes there is

    But she took out a restraining order on me, so i'm out of luck :)

  8. That's called marriage.

    Every night I come home from work, my hubby always has dinner made

    We eat

    We watch the news

    We walk the dog

    We do it

    We shower

    We sleep

    Wake up and repeat the next day.

  9. Yes, and then there is my cat...

  10. Yes there is..

    And I don't think I would ever get bored.

    That way I could go to sleep wishing the next day would come sooner

    : )

  11. Duh! Colin Farrell! lol

  12. No because routine doesn't become boring if your happy with what you do and who you do it with ;)

  13. well i do know some one who i do the same routine with almost every day

  14. No...

    I already have all of that and a lot more besides..

    You will get your soon enough Melia.

  15. I do that with Hot Mama already. Same old thing every day, kinda like a routine. I'm not bored, I look forward to it with a smile. I get paid, it's called my J-O-B.

    She's my co-worker. This Y/A thing is just a bonus thing we do when things are slow.

    Happy times.

  16. What Fun Betty said.

  17. I actually spent a long time today thinking ow nice that would be to spend time doing just a *normal* routine with *someone* ... just to be able to walk up to them when I wanted to to hold close and say three litle words to their ear without a plastic box there ... to be able to watch them pad about doing what they do and just watch ... but most of all to be able to cook a meal for them a sit and find out how her day was and then spend the evening talking and finally curl up listening to her ...... but please please don't say I said that ... ok =)

  18. It would be nice to have someone to do all this with....I need a woman badly.

  19. yup

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