
Is there something I can do to keep myself from looking nervous?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a Red belt in Tae Kwon Do and i'm going to be doing this tournament and it's all about show. I'll be breaking eight boards or so and I need to look confident and completely in control even if i don't really feel that way.




  1. Makeup!!!!

  2. Actually adrenaline gets confussed for being nerves 100% of the time.  Your brain up's the adrenaline and this is why your body shakes uncontrollably.  The brain sends signals to your body to prepare for combat ( adrenaline ) and the body response by having you muscles shake to up your body's own heat internally via friction of your muscles so that your blood becomes hot which will also cause you to sweat.  Endorphins begin to form because of your body heating up from the shaking that you feel ( adrenaline not nerves ) . These endorphins kick in to give your body a little added strength and to prepare to protect your body because your brain knows that what you're doing is dangerous and should you get injured these endorphins will be working over time with white blood cells to try and keep any pain that you may feel from such an injury from being too much to bare.  These endorphins also keep your brain from registering pain from punches....most experienced fighters think they're mentally blocking the pain, but it's the endorphins from your body's own heated blood which the adrenaline causes that really blocks the pain .

    There's a big difference between being scared and a big old adrenaline dump into your blood stream.  This adrenaline and the endorphins that follow often keep street fighters from feeling punches hence why most dudes end up saying that their opponent never hit them when in fact their opponent landed several shots.

    Adrenaline rocks man!!! never get adrenaline confussed with nevers bro.......adrenaline is your best friend during a fight whether in competition or in a self-defense situation.

    Don't fight your adrenaline by breathing deep breaths like I hear these coaches yelling out to their kids in these competitions .... Just relax mentally and go with the flow man and you'll be fine.  The calmest head wins the fight....not the hype....hype is your brain's worst enemy and there's nothing worse than some coach hyping his fighter by yelling .....Breathe!!!!!!!.....Breathe!!!! just before a round starts as if the kid isn't already breathing........ROTFL

  3. Try taking a deep breath.  It's physically impossible to stay nervous when breathing deeply because it relaxes you too much.  Try to imagine it in your head many times before you even go up there.  Good Luck!!

  4. Controlled breathing and internal silence.

  5. It's all in your head. Martial arts is about self-discipline. breath deep, relax your mind, try not to think about anything negative, it's only you and the boards there. you need to believe for those few precious moments that you are the best! It's gonna be hard, but you can do it!

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