
Is there something I can put on my plastic kayak to keep it from cracking or becoming brittle?

by Guest63535  |  earlier

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My kayak (as with most) is made out of plastic. It's going to be in the sun a lot (only when being used and being transported.) Is there a product I can use to keep the plastic from cracking up or going brittle?

I'm thinking something with the same concept as Armorall is to leather. Is there anything for plastic to protect it from sun damage?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Though it is not specifically designed for plastic try a good carnuba wax with UV protector. If it will protect acrylic paint it might work for your yak. Go to your local boat dealer and ask what they use. there must be something after all boat,s stay out in the sun all the time. I do know that you can buy canvas protector,s for yak,s.I have seen them advertised in Canoe&Kayak magazine.

  2. 303 Protectant has been recommended to me by several reputable kayak dealers.  Do NOT use armorall - it will have the opposite affect.

    As long as you store your boat indoors (garage, or under a shade of some type, you should be fine.  As long as you do this, sun exposure from a few years of normal to heavy use will not make it brittle.  My husband bought a plastic Necky sea kayak that was at least 5 years old when we got it 5 years it's 10 and it's still just fine.  We store it in the garage, and 303 is the only product we use on it.

  3. A characteristic of plastics is 'migration'. Some plastics are less stable than others. Think oil and water. Your best solution is to keep the kayak cased in an opaque bag when not in use. Off hand, you could paint the boat with a protective product. Inquire of the manufacturer. Remember sun is that boat's worst enemy.

  4. Any poly-based water craft can become brittle over time.  UV rays from the sun are the biggest culprit.  There are a few things that you can do.  First, keep it covered when not in use.  If you insist on covering it with something, go to an auto parts store that sells auto paint and buy a two or three part sealant.  It will cost about 35 or 40 bucks, but it will coat it and protect it without any damage.  Some spray-on products will destroy the polymer in the boat.

  5. No,  it will always see sun light when in use, and during

    transporting.  Keep out of direct sunlight when storing,

    keep covered, or in garage.  No product out that will stop

    plastic from cracking.

  6. As long as you store your boat indoors (garage, or under a shade of some type, you should be fine. As long as you do this, sun exposure from a few years of normal to heavy use will not make it brittle. My husband bought a plastic Necky sea kayak that was at least 5 years old when we got it 5 years it's 10 and it's still just fine. We store it in the garage, and 303 is the only product we use on it.

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