
Is there something about growing up on the East Coast of the USA that makes many people uptight or selfish?

by Guest67118  |  earlier

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  1. I think its on every coast, but mostly West and East, maybe its because they inhabit the popluar and metropoli, that would let them look down on the suburban and country more out of the loop people.

  2. Nah. I've was born, raised, and still live on the East Coast, and I just love it. Granted, there are maybe more uptight people than the rest of the country, but there's a lot more that aren't.

    ARM is right though. People from Florida are going to be different than people from Maine in some ways. I live in northern VA, so I'm close to D.C. and we get all sorts here, lol.

  3. Are you referring to the north or south region? The difference is stark.

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