
Is there something i can buy to convert DVDs into Bluray?

by  |  earlier

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and what is it? give me a link? how much is it?




  1. No there is not. If you already have a blue ray player than you need to buy seperate blueray discs for a little more expensive.

  2. Unfortunately, no. However, that's not say you can't make movies better. What you have to do is download a program called "Red Kawa" or "PS3 Video 9" (same thing). Once you have that, you need to get a video file of any kind (.avi, .mp1, .mp2, .mp4, etc), and once that is downloaded, convert it to .mp4 with PS3 video 9. You can make the quality better, and store it on your PS3 for future use. :)

    Not necessarily the same thing, but I do it all the time.

  3. Yeah It is called buy a blu-ray disk for 10$ more

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