
Is there something my mum can sign to let me move out at 16

by Guest56836  |  earlier

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My mum says that i can move out but then she says that i can't sometimes. I have enough money and shes knows that. I'm 16, is there anything that she can sign to let me move out, because i am trying to move out but she keeps changing her mind, and i have a feeling that if i do move out, she will make me come back.





  1. Hey there,

    I am 15 living in London, and I moved out at 14!

    Me and my mum dont get on and so I decided to take things into my own hands, the thing is, my mum LET me move out, she's the one who's paying my rent.

    All I can say to you is, talk to your mum, make her understand that you relationship with her will strengthen if you are appart sometimes, thats what I did anyway.

    Hope this helped you!

  2. First of all why is it that you want to move out?

    If you are in the states and you have a valid reason (i.e. neglect, parental drug use, child abuse, etc.) then a judge will more than likely grant you an emancipation.

    To do this you must be able to support yourself and live as an adult.  

  3. she can go to the court and get you emancipated. it will make you a legal adult responsible for yourself and your own actions. i have a roomate that is 16. his mom emancipated him

  4. okay, you have enough money to move out but do you have enough money to sustain you for the long term.  What about school, books, clothes, rent, electricity etc. . .

    You're only 16, stay home, grow up and enjoy being young.   The day will come very quickly when you will be solely responsible for everything.  

  5. I'm sure it's possible that you can move out.

    A better way to do it is if you have an older brother who can move out with you then he can do it all in his name and you and him can share paying the rent and then it will be cheaper.

    Like u said maybe ur mum can sign some ducuments?

  6. Just go, i moved out when i was 16. She can't stop, and she can't bring you back, You're and adult. Apparently.

  7. not aware you have to sign anything but think there is legal things if your still at school, you can get 1/2 hour free advice from most solicitors with no obligation

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