
Is there something psychologically wrong with me?

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Okay so first off i get really bad panic attacks as it is

but i mean

i had stress overload and all that

and for like 2 years now i have no idea but

i will just be sitting there

when out of the blue i imagine in my brain the worst thing

that could happen . Like we were all sitting on the road and i imagined a truck running into us. Then i was walking and there was this chain

and i imagined my self jumping over it and my foot getting caught then falling face first into the road and i can imagine everything blood and etc i mean it happens everyday

and i was just told by a counselor

i am bi-polar

but i mean no one else gets that?




  1. Yeah- I have that too. Not the bi-polar but the vivid imagination

  2. hhahahahaha! i think of those things too! but when i do i breathe hard and my stomach flops and i can feel the pain

  3. I have similar but it is panic or anxiety attacks and I take Paxil for it. Rarely happens now.  

  4. i get that sometimes. as soon as the thought comes to mind, i block it out and think of something optimistic. it may take some mental training, but eventually you'll be able to block them out.

    and dont take meds! only if you feel you reallly need them cause i've heard a lot of weird shite about them. that cancer cells feed on them and whatnot.

  5. see a specialist medicine is made for that because i know a person that did the same thing and i thought he was a crazy person but he's better now... family doctor and get a referal..

  6. well being bi-polar can explain these thoughts but there are people who think about these things. i don't think its crazy, but just a thought most people never think about and imagining it happening because they are curious i think. i don't know i had these thoughts before but it was just because i was bored i think

  7. well to tell you the truth you should breath for 3 seconds and not think about it since you have attacks but i have thoughts like that onnce in a while you have nothing to worry about and honestly i dont think your biopolar everyone is so i think theres no such word

  8. If you were told by a counselor you are bi-polar then that's good because now you know you have a problem and can do something about it.  The people with bigger problems are the ones that don't know or don't think there is anything wrong.  But you do , so that is good.  Maybe a parent, that councelor, or someone else you are close to can refer you to someone who is experienced in bi-polar disorder, can get you in therapy and get you the correct meds to help control your feelings.  You do need to reach out and make sure you have the help you need because that's a common thing and many, many people have it.  Best wishes .

  9. Sounds like you have a paranoia disorder. That is not usually associated with Bipolar disorder. You need to get a handle on that before it gets you. The next time you start to dwell on the bad possibilities do something to distract your self.

  10. i dont let it over take me...

    but yeah that happens....havent

    told a soul either. feel special, your

    the first =].

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