
Is there something strange about fetishism? Why does it occur and how?

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Is there something strange about fetishism? Why does it occur and how?




  1. Fetishism is when an individual has a repeated sexual response to something that isn't ordinarily associated with s*x. It isn't unusual and mild forms are actually common (e.g. feet).

    Dissertations have been written about this subject so the causes are complicated. Suffice it to say that like anything else, if it does not impair your life in other ways and isn't physically dangerous, then there isn't anything particularly wrong with it. Whatever floats your boat.

  2. fetishism in the connotative or denotative sense?

    connotative.. serves no purpose tot he best of my understanding

    dennotative.. well it just depends on the situation.. each case would be different based on the object which the fetish is surrounded

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