
Is there something that happened to you once that people tend to disbelieve ?

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A tiger stepped on me once. ( Okay, a tame one - at a circus )




  1. Saw a UFO in the middle of the day, watched it for over 5 minutes, hollering my head off, no one came to see what was the matter.

  2. thats funny, a Jamaican once stepped on my head.

  3. Yes'' when someone ask me if i agree that men came from apes" i disbelieve""cause my friends look's burnt! but they came from china hill's they are brown chinese a Mongolian descent.

  4. I make a lot of random guesses that end up being true but I don't really care if anyone believes it or not anymore ^_^

  5. I was  1 foot away  from a  900lb  bull moose  in the woods.. he never saw  me!!

  6. 'One brilliant Sunday morning, my wife and boys went to the Unitarian Chapel in Macclesfield. I felt it impossible to accompany them - as though to leave the sunshine on the hills, and go down there to the chapel, would be for the time an act of spiritual suicide. And I felt such need for new inspiration and expansion in my life. So, very reluctantly and sadly, I left my wife and boys to go down into the town, while I went further up into the hills with my stick and my dog. In the loveliness of the morning, and the beauty of the hills and valleys, I soon lost my sense of sadness and regret. For nearly an hour I walked along the road to the 'Cat and Fiddle,' and then returned.

    On the way back, suddenly, without warning, I felt that I was in Heaven - an inward state of peace and joy and assurance indescribably intense, accompanied with a sense of being bathed in a warm glow of light, as though the external condition had brought about the internal effect - a feeling of having passed beyond the body, though the scene around me stood out more clearly and as if nearer to me than before, by reason of the illumination in the midst of which I seemed to be placed. This deep emotion lasted, though with decreasing strength, until I reached home, and for some time after, only gradually passing away.'

    someone else's words, but my experience was exactly the same, except it was in a bookstore

  7. I once sat behind Weird Al Yankovic on a roller coaster.

  8. Something unbelievable did happen to me once, (quite a long time ago now) a close friend was with me at the time & witnessed it also ~ but I've never told anyone else for fear of being disbelieved.

    (I started telling one other person once, & they didn't believe me, so I didn't tell them the whole story, I kind of pretended it was a joke I was playing on them, they believed this, rather than the truth, so I left it at that)....I don't know if my friend has told anyone else either, but it brought us closer together as friends & whenever we get in contact with each other, it always comes up in conversation ~ It's something neither of us will ever forget.

  9. ...i have conversations with people from the past...

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