
Is there something to coat a lead medallion with so i can whear it every day without a risk of lead poison?

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i have all meand of heating metal




  1. Robert offers the most simple suggestion. Are you certain it's lead? I guess I'm curious about WHAT this piece is?

      Your "MEAND" of heating metal has no bearing on the Q.

      More stable would be DIP the medallion in Poly, or clear epoxy. Since this is intended to be worn as a piece of jewelry, which it seems you allude to. you could just glue a piece of something to the side that touches your skin, such as a piece of felt, or a plastic disk

      If wearing it is the case, then varnishes and nail polish will be eventually degraded by your body oils, etc. Beyond that, unless you wear it 24/7 for the rest of your life, I suspect the rate of absorbtion, given that you aren't strictly ingesting lead, would be negligible.

    Just my two "sense"

  2. Coat it with clear laquer from a craft/hobby store.

    If you can't find that, try clear nail polish (same thing).

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