
Is there something under the Sphinx?

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I have heard speculion and such about there being important artifacts from Atlantis, Some scrolls from the Library of Alexandra and some other things about there being a hall of records under the paws of the sphinx. Is any of this plausible at all?




  1. Rock. The Sphinx was carved out of an existing hill made of solid limestone bedrock. There is nothing under it except more rock.

  2. There are three passages into or under the Sphinx, two of them of obscure origin. The one of known cause is a short dead-end shaft behind the head drilled in the nineteenth century. No other tunnels or chambers in or under the Sphinx are known to exist. A number of small holes in the Sphinx body may relate to scaffolding at the time of carving.

  3. If there wasn't anything under there, why are they trying so hard to hide it and prevent anyone from exploring more? The tunnels and "doors" are clearly already there but they won't let anything go further.

    Most scholars think Jesus has been hiding there for 2000 years

  4. yes there is sand

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