
Is there something with a price development that is inversly proportional to that of crude oil?

by  |  earlier

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Something that one could buy and expect to go up in value when oil prices drop, because, short selling futures has a relatively small profit margin and the risks immense, isn't it? Or in other words; Oil price dropped ten dollars + last week, who (and what shares or papers) profited from it?




  1. If you're counting the short-term, last week's rise in Oil coincided with the Euro's subsequent turn and rise against the USD.

  2. Yes, it's the Dollar. Investors put their money into commodities when the dollar weakens. Thus a higher demand for the commodities. Since the Fed has dropped interest rates, the dollar has weakened tremendously. Once rates start to come up, investors will pull their money out of commodities and you'll see prices decline. Hope Bernake and his circus come to their collective senses and start to raise rates.

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