
Is there something wrong? Or am I just paranoid? ?

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I'm 13 and whenever I see the symptoms of a disease (e.g Kidney Failure, Depression and Lung Cancer) I automatically think I have the disease. It's like I diagnose myself. So the odd thing is, I convince myself I suffer from the symptoms. I'd reach back to things that happened in the past and link it with the disease. (e.g: I'd remember getting a back pain two months ago, so I link that back pain with kidney failure)

Maybe I'm paranoid, big deal. But what if it's something worse? Like, do I have an anxiety disorder?

Lately, I've convinced myself of Depression. Now, I think I'm sad and angry, but when I observe myself, I'm still out with my friends, pulling jokes and laughing.

The fear of having the disease goes away after I talk to a professional, who can diagnose me or not. With the Kidney Failure thing, I talked to my diabetic doctor and he said I was fine. So I discarded my fears and moved onto something else.

I was upset one day, so I looked up depression. Then (since I was sad) it was the perfect mental environment for me to tell myself I was depressed. Then I have a constant fear of having depression that I actually get depressed...

confusing, I know. I'm one with the many 30% of freaks on this planet :-D

Any advise on what to do?




  1. Wow, if you are a 13-year-old who alreaady has diabetes, no wonder you worry about other medical stuff.  It is somewhat normal, though I have known a few people who think they are coming down with whatever the latest disease is...

    Medical students are famous for thinking they have whatever they have learned sounds like you might have some issues with anxiety--talk to your parents or your school guidance counselor about it...perhaps you could have some short-term therapy that would help you ease your mind about things.

    Don't worry, you're perfectly normal!

  2. Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia or OCD, or both. But you should seek a doctor if this is bothering you. The symptoms could escalate out of your control.

  3. I have diagnosed you as a primary hypocondriac, with secondary hormonal imbalances (ie, you're a teenager) and deem that you should become a doctor!  

    When doctors go through medical school, they do the same thing that you have.  If you did, you'd be one up on the rest of your class!

  4. You need to be talking to a therapist or psychiatrist.

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