
Is there something wrong about sitting around at home doing nothing?

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Cause I get a lot of criticism from people. They say "Oh you should get out more." I can see their point, but if they are only used to going out they won't see how sitting around just listening to music or chilling out could be fun.

I don't think anyone has the right to criticize others. It makes me puke. How do I stop it?




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a homebody and wanting to stay in.  If you work all day, your evenings are your time to decompress.  Some people prefer to decompress by being around people.  Other people - like you and like me - prefer to decompress at home with a good book or some music or a good movie, and our family.  

    I periodically enroll in classes.  In the 29 years that I've been married, I've learned to weave; taken a genealogy class; gotten almost 3/4 through a college degree, taken group classes and lots of individual lessons in country western dance, ballroom dance, and swing; taken classes in desktop publishing and graphics design; taken a creative writing class; been a founding member of the local chapter of a professional writers group; and attended multiple workshops for writers.  It sounds like a lot and from time to time, I do get busy and spend a lot of my evenings away from home.  But in the end, I always come back for a period of recharging.

    You don't have to get out unless and until you find somewhere you want to go and something you want to do.  So next time, tell these busybodies "Thanks for your interest, but I'm quite satisfied with my life."  If they persist, just stare them down.  They're being rude and they know it.

  2. The next time someone makes a comment like that look them in the eye & say..."It's my life & I enjoy it the way it is."

    That will shut them up. Just make sure you're making direct eye contact.

    You don't need to explain to them any further.

  3. Tell them "you are you, I am I. If I don't tell you to stay home more, you don't tell me to go out more".

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